October 2010

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September 1st, 2010

[info]tedtothetonks in [info]origo_ooc

Hello all! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Becka and I've got three kiddies with me!

Three's Company )

All my characters need plot so have at it! You can check out their profiles for a more in-depth look at them if need be. My AIM is occiferbecky, so feel free to ping me! I'm super excited to play with all of you! =D

[info]furvusbarnes in [info]origo_ooc

Hello there! Hopping on the bandwagon and introducing both me and my characters! I'm Leah, the other half of the mod team, and I currently have three characters here at Origo (with more on the way >.>)

This pretty lady here is Melanie Barnes, one half of the Barnes twins. She's a Ravenclaw, but not in an overly smart way. Mel's intelligence is mostly social, but she is by no means dumb academically. She's very confident and talkative, brash and brutally honest. She's also a bit promiscuous, bless her. For her, I'd love friends, enemies and all of that lovely stuff. I'd also like a few boys that she's dated/hooked up with in the past!

Secondly, I have Alexander Avery ([info]porvenircurador). He's a Slytherin prefect, son of a Death Eater, and a spoilt, posh, rich kid. Like any good pureblood boy, Alexander believes in blood purity and ranks determined by lineage. He looks down on a lot of people and is a bit of a snob, but he sticks to the rules like glue and has no trouble trying to make others do the same. To those he doesn't hate though, he's polite and rather nice. As ever, I'd love friends, enemies, and all other manner of CR for him!

Finally (for now), I have Remus Lupin ([info]sollerslupus). Gryffindor prefect, werewolf, and one quarter of the most infamous pranksters to ever cross the threshold of Hogwarts. Remus is smart and very kind, albeit a little reclusive and quiet. He doesn't trust easily and only has a core group of mates he can truly believe in. That doesn't mean he doesn't have other friends though! He's just a little awkward. As hard as he tries to be a good role model, he is a bit of a doormat when it comes to rules. Just ask his fellow Marauders. Like my others, Remus needs casual friends, people who don't like him much, etc.

I appreciate that my introductions aren't the best, so for more information on any of my current characters, you'll find their information on their journals! It's a joy to be here with you all and I hope we'll all have a blast!

[info]origomods in [info]origo_ooc

We are officially OPEN!

Please check out the news thread to see what's happening in both Hogwarts and the Wizarding world at large!

Students, feel free to participate in the start of term feast thread, which is located here! Likewise, start your own threads at the platform, on the train, or in your dorms post-feast! Adults and those outside of the castle, go right ahead and see your kids off to Hogwarts, or go about your daily business!