December 22nd, 2009

[info]liz_blackwood in [info]oregonal_sin

[ Christian ]

Liz presented herself nervously at the marshall's office. She didn't normally come here -- although she never turned away a chance to talk to Marshall Kane -- it was different when it could become official business.

She gave him a small smile when he came in to the room. "Good day, marshall."

[info]liz_blackwood in [info]oregonal_sin

[ Open to all - - Christmas eve ]

The Blackwood House opened its doors -- though not literally, considering the cold -- to everyone Christmas eve. It was a tradition her father and mother had started the second year they'd been in town and something Liz looked forward to every year.

All the rooms and parlors were open except the guests' private sleeping areas and the kitchen. Even the garden had been cleared and swept, benches free of snow for the moment, if guests wanted a bit of fresh air or someplace more private to talk.

The house was decorated to the hilt with greens, candles, berries, and a large tree in main dining room. That room also featured a buffet spread with food and treats that Liz had been working on for weeks. The pianoforte had been moved into the main parlor and every guest was encouraged to take a turn if they wished.

In one of the smaller parlors there was a table with small gifts for each guest -- they could pick at random or have Liz's father, who presided over the room, suggest one for them. Her brother and sister-in-law had claimed the main parlor to hold audience while Liz herself floated quietly from room to room, making sure everyone had a good time and a full plate.