December 21st, 2009

[info]drbenjaminadams in [info]oregonal_sin


It seemed that the flu had finally caught up with the Doctor. There were still patients to treat, however, flu patients he did not risk to contaminate, and he was coming back from checking on one of them, face flushed and sweaty, pulling on his necktie to try and get more air. It might be cold outside, but the fever he ran was making him feel far too hot.

He only needed to get to his house. Right after having that thought was exactly when the dizziness kicked in.

[info]call_me_harry in [info]oregonal_sin

[ Beth ]

Harry had been coming over almost every day, each trip about an hour long. He swore whichever girl he chose to secrecy and left with a grin on his face. Today he was bundled up in a bulky coat. He walked straight up to Beth and held out his hand.

"Your turn," he said, smiling.