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Dec. 4th, 2009



The following characters are now sick due to non-activity:


Please remember, folks, at least once every two weeks! This can be a new post, or a tag on an existing thread, but stay active and stay involved.

Dec. 3rd, 2009


an irishman and a gypsy walk into a bar

Dia duit and hola, oregonal! My name is Brix, and I think I know about half of you, but I am very much new here. I come bearing (baring?) two new peeps for you to use and abuse. Let me show you them!

Montana Galván is an illustrated woman, straight off the train* from the east coast. She traveled with a small circuit sideshow for a while, and learned how to tattoo from all the people who worked on her own ink, so if anyone in town happens to want some tattooin' done, she's the lady to go to. She's even got one of them new-fangled tattooing machines, so she's highly accurate. Problem is, you can't make a living doling out tattoos in a town as small as this one, so she's also looking for other sidework. And no, she's not a witch, or a child of satan, or any of that other bullshit. >| She is Mexican born, though.

Lennon Foley ([info]escapedfromoz) you've heard a bit about from his bestest younger brother, Jake. (Or from Bonnie, at least.) He was transported to Australia as well, and is equally mysterious about his crimes as his brother is. He's decidedly less friendly, though. He'll have a chat if he's got some alcohol in him, but mostly he talks shit to anyone and everyone. He also has absolutely no intention of ever being a contributing member of society, if he can help it. Anything that keeps him in enough coin to buy alcohol is fine by him.

So, I'm quite eager to take these two for a spin, if anyone's up for some plotting or some threading, let me know. I'm on email most often these days, not AIM, so hit me up on shadesofbrixton [at] if you need to chat. :D Cheers!

*This train may not, in fact, be literal.


New members!

If you have a new character, welcome! Please go here and let us have your contact details. Stop by here to friend all the player journals.

And please pop a copy of the basic character information you supplied with your application in your character journal profile so we can all have some idea who we're playing with!

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Am home again for ... four days. And then I'll be back again for five days... But! Back on my computer and able to tag and play! Catching up as quickly as I can.

Nov. 17th, 2009


So, as most of you know, my mom is having a mastectomy Nov. 24. Although she's only supposed to be in the hospital one night ( o.0 ) my sisters and I are taking shifts after that to help out at home while she's recovering. My parents live in the country, on dial-up, with a slow computer. And no cell phone service. While I'm there, then, obviously, I'll be very limited for online time. (Though apparently, the library now has wi-fi! Progress comes even to Oil City!)


Here's my schedule:

Nov 24.-Dec. 1 -- At parents. Basically offline
Dec. 1-12 -- Back home and online except for Dec. 6
Dec. 12-14 -- Offline
Dec. 15-23ish -- Online
Dec. 23-27ish -- Offline


Nov. 14th, 2009


New, new, shiny and new.

Hello, all! My name's Jen and I've just brought in Mr Jack West. He's fresh off the steamer and new in Corvallis, looking to be taught by the town's pastor. He's softly-spoken and a little withdrawn, thanks to having had a difficult time growing, but he's got a good heart and, despite his religion, tries not to judge anyone. Truth is, his momma convinced him he was a wicked, sinful boy from the very beginning, and he's read enough to know that only he without sin should cast stones.

He's rather self-conscious about his 'Mark', a scar-like blemish on his top lip that he was born with and which served to make his momma believe he'd been touched by the Devil. The main reason he's spent his life trying to be so pious is to escape that idea.

More than anything else, Jack is very naïve. He doesn't drink or swear and he's never even been kissed, let alone gone any further. Cursing in front of him or mentioning sex is likely to just make the poor bugger flustered and prone to blushing. Hell, the boy tries to keep from even seeing himself naked.

Really looking forward to playing with you!


New pup!


It's Fan' here, bringing you Noah Adams, unfortunate daughter of one Doctor Benjamin Adams. She's a hand at Alita's ranch and she'll knock back a shot of whisky as steady as, if not better than, any of the men. She'd also probably do a much better job at bedding girls than most of them.

She'll be in your face if you give her half a reason, and while not many people even realised Benjamin's her father, but assume a more distant family connection instead, she won't hesitate to go into a fight over his honour or some other bullshit. (He dislikes that intensely.)

She's mostly friendly though, so long as you don't judge her for being a tomboy.

Anybody wants history, lemme know! She's been around as long as Benjamin, so she would have history with quite a bunch of characters.



The following characters have not posted within the last two weeks and are down with influenza:

Alec Campion [info]idlegambler
Christian Kane [info]marshalkane
Richard St. Vier [info]gunforhire

(your mod deeply apologises for being responsible for two of those...)

Which brings me to the second part of the announcement. As the Marshal is primarily a mod character for mod purposes, we've agreed to exempt him from update requirements because it would be rather a nuisance to us in running to game to have either a) a dead Marshal or b) a Marshal in non-mod hands. He will still be available for threading, so if you'd like him, go contact his player! Otherwise, look out for the posts he starts, as they'll likely be plot related.

The characters above have two weeks from today to resume activity, or they will be considered well and truly deaded from the flu.

Oct. 13th, 2009


FYI: If everything goes to plan, I'll be driving up to Niagara Falls tomorrow to meet up with the girls. I'll either be coming back Friday afternoon or staying for an SCA event in the general area and not coming back until Sunday afternoon/evening.

I'm currently debating taking the computer but will definitely have the phone with!

Oct. 8th, 2009


Tentative return

Hello all! I'm very tentatively back. Work has somewhat slowed down, for the moment, or at least regained its usual level of insanity, so I'm going to try and catch up on all the threads I need to tag.

If I have a thread with you you'd rather wrap up fast (FTBs so work) so we can move on to something more 'current', let me know. That'll be no problem.

And if I haven't tagged a thread I have with you by this weekend, it means I lost it, so do remind me!

Love all around.

(Yes to the bounty thing, Tes!)

Oct. 7th, 2009


That right there is the face I'm making. My internet access is temporarily somewhat limited. Shouldn't be for too long, but please consider me a slow tagger/not around for a few days.

And Fan'! We really need to do that bounty thing. We will. Yes.

Oct. 4th, 2009


Leave of absence

As some of you already know, work is driving me insane right now. Seriously insane. It just doesn't leave me any sort of creative energy to tag, so I'm going to take a little time off from RP, likely until the end of next week.

I hope to be back asap. Miss you all.

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Still away

So! I thought I'd just remind peoples that I am still wandering around America and won't be home until the 26th October. My internet is still patchy but I am around...just not online as much as usual because of the travelling!

Characters are around and available if anyone wants them, and I'm trying to post and tag as much as I can between the sight-seeing and enjoying freedom and things, but I am slow in repping and playing and such-like :)

Thanks all.

Oct. 1st, 2009



I'll be gone for the weekend, from Friday afternoon until ... sometime on Sunday. Probably late evening.


Sep. 29th, 2009



Mod would like to draw your attention to the following rule:

If your character is inactive for two weeks without prior warning, they will be considered to be in jail or sick, at the discretion of the mods. You will then have two weeks to bring the character back into play. If your character is inactive for a month with no prior notice, they will be considered to be dead, and cannot return to the game.

"Inactive" = no new posts, no taking posts, no tags
"Prior warning" = a post to OOC, an email to the mods, or a PM to the mod journal

This applies for each character - if you, as a player, have been active with other characters, but one of your characters has been inactive with no prior warning, action will be taken in game.

It is in your interest to use the metatags for your posts! Mods will be using these to track activity for each character. If your character does not have a metatag, please let us know.

Sep. 20th, 2009



If your character does not yet have a tag to use on game posts, please let me know here and I will set it up! If it's not entirely clear which name to use, let me know what you want the tag to be.

Thank you all for making this a great starting week for Oregonal.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Who knows who?

Some place for us all to decide which of our characters know the others, how well, and how biblically...


Ladies, gents, and rabble - welcome to Oregonal! Please wander over to the friending button to make sure you've got everyone, and double check that you're a member of the comms. While you're at it, make sure we've got everything right on the player contact post, and I think we're all set to start.


Taking a leaf out of Karen's book.

Hi all!

This is Fan', as you might have guessed, and I'm following in Karen's footsteps and introducing my characters.

Ryan here is as bouncy as Ryan has ever been, only never when he's working. Work happens at the cathouse and he has no trouble being called one of Gemma's girls. He's very friendly in and outside the job, and less trusting than he appears to be. He learned that one the tough way. He knows a lot of people, whether they visit the cathouse or not, because he's the sort to go and talk to just about anyone. He generally knows every rumour in town.

Then there's [info]charlieedwards, a bounty hunter often stopping by Corvallis. He's not exactly someone you want to cross, and is dead good with his guns. He's also not exactly a kind man. Only reason he's not an outlaw is 'cause he never found an outlaw crew worth running with; they were always worth more if he handed them in to the police. He spends a good deal of his time at the saloon, and is damned good at cards.

And finally (for the moment), [info]drbenjaminadams, Corvallis' surgeon. English, snobbish, and very much a private person. He'll tend to everyone that needs his care, whether they can pay him or not. And he'll set his prices depending on how much money you have.

Friends, enemies, acquaintances, patients or clients, PLEASE!

Sep. 12th, 2009


Hi! I'll be first! (This is Karen)

This is Alita, a 30-year-old widow who has taken over the running of the ranch that she and her former husband started. She's been in the area about one-and-a-half years, her husband was killed eight months ago. They made a practice of coming in to town at least once every two weeks to socialize and get supplies. She's stubborn, plain-spoken, determined, practical, self-sufficient but also very good to her ranch hands and willing to help out others if and when she can.

[info]liz_blackwood is Elizabeth Blackwood. She currently runs the boarding house ("The Blackwood") with her brother and his wife. The Blackwood family has been in Corvallis for a very long time and it's entirely possible there are people in town that have seen Liz grow up -- or have grown up with her. (She's 24). Liz is sweet, a bit quieter, likes to take care of people, and has a sense of humor that she often hides. She has a suite of rooms on the ground floor of the boarding house.


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