Opus Two RPG - February 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 8th, 2010

[Feb. 8th, 2010|05:09 pm]


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[Mood | okay]

*has more or less settled into a routine these past several weeks, consisting mainly of work (going in early and leaving late) with a little music on the side* *finds he still has more free time than he's used to and so adds a little more lifting back into his workout and ensures that he sticks to his running schedule religiously (not that he needs his Arda build for soldiering these days, but it can't hurt, right?)*

*one evening after work (late-ish but not too late, for a change), changes into shorts and t-shirt and hauls his tennis racquet and accompanying gear over to ORC, where he's reserved time on one of the courts for himself and Elemmakil*
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[Feb. 8th, 2010|11:36 pm]


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[Mood | blank]

*with a frequency that might be alarming (if he only knew), wakes up in a hospital bed after a general anaesthetic* *feels a bit groggy and a bit clumsy as he looks at both of his hands now plastered*

*eyes the IV line (strange contraption), giving it an experimental tug before realising that's probably not the wisest move* Ouch.

*sees that there is someone next to his bed and turns towards her* *rather pleasantly, if a little hoarsely* May I have some water, please?
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