Opus Two RPG - March 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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March 6th, 2009

[Mar. 6th, 2009|12:04 pm]
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*emerges from the makeup trailer bright and early, all decked out and spruced up (or, as Finduilas might probably say, "gorgeousified") for Episode 22's promotional shoot*

*apparently they've got a surprise cameo of epic proportions, according to most of the girls in the cast and crew (and some of the guys, even)* (*has heard the names "Raphael Newman" and "Glorfindel" on the radio, and saw some stuff on the news about a scandal or whatever, but isn't so much into the pop scene*) *anyway, the guest spot's supposed to generate all kinds of media attention, hence the upcoming promo frenzy*

*heads to the lot for the photoshoot, wondering how one deals with an international superstar when one isn't actually a slobbering fan?* *is so in over his head*
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|12:07 pm]
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[Mood | productive]

*has put in quite a few solid days work, a relief after finding it hard to get into it for the first week or two back at home*

*catches up on correspondence and fields a few calls from his agent, who he might be able to placate soon with the promise of material*

*talks over possible studio recording dates but can only be cagey with her about what he can schedule in the coming months* *definitively blocks off the early spring months for all engagements, however*

*taking a good break, calls Erendis, with scheduling and updates on the brain*
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