Opus Two RPG - February 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 28th, 2009

[Feb. 28th, 2009|09:16 am]
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[Mood | optimistic]

*has had a few weeks to herself, with Maglor having returned to his own home to finish working out his album*

*feeling more settled into her own routine (and having grown somewhat accustomed to company, she has to admit), considers his offer of his mother's help*

*invites Nerdanel over for a visit, offering nursery(?)(!) plans as the theme of the day*
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[Feb. 28th, 2009|08:38 pm]


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*some time after Arwen's gone to bed for the night, settles down with Celebrían in the hotel suite's sitting room* *hasn't had the chance to really chat with her since her arrival, so made a point of inviting himself up (at the lady's convenience, of course)*

*pours off two glasses of good red and hands one over to her, setting the bottle on the little endtable between them* *holds up his glass in a quasi-toast* Cheers, m'Lady. To long-overdue late-night gabs?
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[Feb. 28th, 2009|10:29 pm]
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[Mood | grumpy]

*is sleeping* *is asleep* *because it's Saturday morning, you see, when people sleep* *is therefore rather disgruntled when his phone starts ringing*

*fumbles around on the nightstand for it, knocking over a glass of water (shit)*

*picks up the phone without looking at the caller ID* Dad, do you know what time it is here?
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