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Jul. 23rd, 2021


Damon, it's snowing!

Jun. 8th, 2021


time jump plot

Sorry, the last two days ago we were in the somewhat old west And now we are dealing with dinosaurs?

May. 27th, 2021


Gone Blind


May. 11th, 2021


Day plot - twilight zone stories or scary stories

Hey everyone, let's have a bonfire tonight and tell scary stories.

May. 6th, 2021


Comic Book Plot

Not this?

May. 5th, 2021


Network: May Parker

Today is my birthday and I am beyond grateful to spend it here with my kid and husband. I never thought I'd have that chance again.

May. 3rd, 2021


The May Day party was a spectacular success. I noticed several people hooking up. I hope that lasts more than a night. But if it doesn't I hope you had a good time.

A special thanks to May who made the flowers look amazing.

I was talking to Velma last night. We had an idea for a talent show. Would any of you participate? Please let me know what you think.

It would take ten volunteers to make it worth our while to put one on. More than that it would be welcome.

Thanks again for attending last night.

I have my fingers crossed for two of you.

May. 1st, 2021


May Day Plot

Who: Mystic Falls Hosts and Open
What: May Day Party
Where: Mystic Falls Ranch
When: 10 to 10
Status: Open to the chaos of threading; join in on one or start your own.
Warnings: Possible language as who know what muses are coming.

Before anyone reached the festivities, their noses were assaulted by the sweet aroma of the six pigs on spits. The prime rib smelled just as delicious as it competed with the pig to be the favorite fragrance. Even those who weren't hungry quickly found an appetite.

May Day Party )

Apr. 29th, 2021


Thank you to everyone who helped with the fire pits for our May Day Party. It's looking great. I'm more excited about this party than the Shindig.

If you want to go pick blossoms and other May Day flowers including boughs to be hung from trees, please sign up below so I can order enough meals for everyone.

Come join us and meet some new people.

I hope everyone is getting ready for this party.

Apr. 28th, 2021


I have exciting news. My besties, Bonnie, Caroline, and Caroline's daughter, Lizzie, are here. If you don't know them, you can meet them at the May Day party. So if you haven't already marked your calendar go ahead and reserve the date. It starts at 10:00 am and ends at 10 pm on May 1st.

You may come in medieval costumes, check with Snow, she knew this was coming so she made some outfits.

There are some of the outfits she has designed. This is my outfit.

Or come cowboy style, just come.

We will be setting out fire pits on the 29th while going to the woods to gather blossoms, flowers, and other festive limbs and flowers from nature on the 30th. If you'd like to come, sign below.

It still gets cool at night so think about that.

I'd like to thank Dave Nagel for the fireworks.

Thank you ranch hands for the wood pits.

We appreciate those of you who helped make the fire pits today.

I think it might even be better than the Shindig.


Network: May Parker


Peter is calling me mom!

[**including Diana, Elena, Velma, Grace, and all Marvel, BUT if you have talked to her in the past, feel free to hop in]

Apr. 25th, 2021


Thank you to everyone who made the Shindig a success. On May 1st. I hope you'll come from 10 to 10. The First Nations peoples will be here with their handmade items. The dress is jeans and cowboy boots unless you want to dress up as a Maiden or a Lord circa Camelot.

Sam, can you finish the maypole in four days, three would be better?

Snow, just a reminder about providing the ribbons for the May Pole? You have five days total.

Mystic Falls Housemates, we are hosting a May Day party on May 1st. I'll need your help on decorations - again we are getting them from the woods. I want to thank you ahead of time for all that you will do.


This is not how I pictured the afterlife.

Apr. 24th, 2021


I was doing something pretty important, you know.

Apr. 22nd, 2021


I was supposed to go home! We won... why did they send me to a new arena?!


I have a few slots open this afternoon to get your hair blown out or done.

Than I will be closed till Monday, I need a break.

Apr. 20th, 2021


You know, out of everything I expected to happen next in my life, ending up in a western was not on that list.

I'm guessing this was not the fault of O'Connor or my brother?

Apr. 10th, 2021


Back dated to 4/4

Happy birthday Diana. I hope you have a great day.

Other than the happy birthday I wanted to thank everyone for coming to the Shindig. It was loads of fun, at least it was for me. I also wanted to thank those who put it together, particularly Damon who did so much to make it special, especially since I was six-year-old up to the day before. This place never fails to surprise.

Thank you, Damon. I love you.

To All The Ladies Who would like to go to the Saloon and have a drink I'm on my way there. I need one. Or ten.

Mar. 30th, 2021



Who: Elena and Open
What: Shindig
Where: Mystic Falls Ranchhouse
When: March 31 @ 7:00 pm
Status: Open to multiple threads
Warning: None

Shindig )


I'm back. Thank God. I got up thinking we were going to have to cancel the Shindig, but Damon did it all. I love you, Damon.

Good to be able to reach the top shelves.

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March 2022



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