May 1st, 2021

[info]manof_iron in [info]openplainsic


I found someone that I think you need to talk to about the river.

[info]theyfightforher in [info]openplainsic

May Day Plot

Who: Mystic Falls Hosts and Open
What: May Day Party
Where: Mystic Falls Ranch
When: 10 to 10
Status: Open to the chaos of threading; join in on one or start your own.
Warnings: Possible language as who know what muses are coming.

Before anyone reached the festivities, their noses were assaulted by the sweet aroma of the six pigs on spits. The prime rib smelled just as delicious as it competed with the pig to be the favorite fragrance. Even those who weren't hungry quickly found an appetite.

May Day Party )

[info]auntmayparker in [info]openplainsic

Network: May Parker

I'm so excited for the dance tonight. I got the most beautiful dress from Snow!

Dress under here... )

[info]macsplaining in [info]openplainsic

You know we really need to do something about the river.

Does anyone have a gun here that has a scope on it? And would let me borrow it.

Jack, if you do, I'm not going through your stuff without your say.

[info]_jay_ in [info]openplainsic

Who: Jay and Harry Hook and Evie
Where: Disney Ranch House
When: 5/1/1867
Rating: TBD
Open: Disney Ranch House
Be her date  )

[info]redwolf in [info]openplainsic

Snow, Emma, Killian

I'd love to have dinner with you three sometime soon. We can put our heads together and see what we remember of each other. I have a lot of memories of Snow, a few of Emma, but I don't think I know Killian at all. And if we live together I'd really like to know my roommates. Yes? No? Maybe?

[info]redwolf in [info]openplainsic

Open Plains Sheriffs

My name is Ruby. I'm a wolf shifter. I wanted to let you know. I don't... partake of anything when I shift. I just run and enjoy being myself. I was told I might want to let you know, though. Is there anything I should know? Or avoid?

March 2022

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