April 29th, 2021

[info]caspian_x in [info]openplainsic

Why do I feel like I've been here before? Like I have experienced something similar? Oh, wait, I have.

How do I stop this? Where is Aslan when you need him?

[info]outlawpriest in [info]openplainsic

I have heard there were rabbits. And large ones. I hope they are not dangerous.

[info]psalms31 in [info]openplainsic

I don't know what is going on here but I can't be here. I need to get back to my wife.

This has to be a weird dream because of the pain meds.

[info]oncesnow in [info]openplainsic

Chose your dress )

[info]pureblond in [info]openplainsic

This town - quaint and forgettable, ripe with the smell of unwashed human and horse manure, just like the first time I was here. Some things never change, even though they should.

So, so thrilled to be back.

[info]caspian_x in [info]openplainsic

Who: Caspian and the Pevensies
When: After this and this
What: the need to talk
Where: their ranch house
Rating: let's start with PG?

No more secrets )

[info]mamafantastic in [info]openplainsic

Whoever brought me here is going to regret it. You pulled me away from my children.

Any Avengers around - East or West Coast, doesn't matter which. X-Men? Johnny or Ben? I am not going to ask about Ree

[info]speakyourmind in [info]openplainsic

I thought I would share the Cafe's menu with everyone. This is a page out of the Gazette. We change the menu as we get new and different ingredients. Most of the time, we keep the same menu.

Gazette Menu

Be on the lookout for specials.

Tomorrow will be the ever-favorite pizza. (Plain, Cheese, Beef, Sausage)

Thanks to our wonderful chef Alex for creating this special dish.

Come in for the food, stay for the company.

[info]theyfightforher in [info]openplainsic

Thank you to everyone who helped with the fire pits for our May Day Party. It's looking great. I'm more excited about this party than the Shindig.

If you want to go pick blossoms and other May Day flowers including boughs to be hung from trees, please sign up below so I can order enough meals for everyone.

Come join us and meet some new people.

I hope everyone is getting ready for this party.

March 2022

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