November 3rd, 2020

[info]malfoyheirdraco in [info]openplainsic

Can someone get me the bloody hell back to England?

[info]oncesnow in [info]openplainsic

I know very well where I should be ... it's not here.

Is this thing working? It seems straight forward. Thank you whoever left the instructions.

Where am I? I guess the real question is when am I?

[info]camefromclay in [info]openplainsic

Backdated to the first - Just the facts

The last few days have been crazy. All of these monsters running around town just in time for Halloween. I'd like to say I defeated every one of them. I did until the end. There were so many monsters I couldn't keep count.

I was able to catch Dracula with my lasso of truth. The interesting thing, he spoke like a Native American. Was chanting. I got something about a graveyard, then he was all Dracula Spackula at that moment. Even with the lasso, he dove toward me, wangs exposed. The room was filled up with monsters I'd seen in movies, and those I'd never seen before.

If only I'd brought, Clark, with me.

Every time I killed one of these creatures, two or three appeared in their place. Suddenly, all the candles blew out, by what I've no idea. When the candles went out, the monsters disappeared. I have a few scrapes Doctor Stark needs to check me out.

I made my way out-of-the-house. It started disappearing around me. Luckily, I got out-0f-there before it completely disappeared.

I'm going to go visit Sam in the library to check out the old maps of the area. To see what is going on with that piece of property.

[info]theyfightforher in [info]openplainsic

Filtered to the Town Council

I have something you might find interesting, I'd like to share it with each of you.

[info]speakyourmind in [info]openplainsic

I'm so glad the Monster House disappeared. I was so frightened of Russell. I hope he's gone for good.

It's snowing outside, the kind that will stick. I love the snowfall. Makes me think of Christmas.

Come in for a Blue Plate Chicken Special. Two for one, today only.

March 2022

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