outside the burrow (player communications)'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
outside the burrow (player communications)

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[10 Nov 2015|07:20pm]
OMG OK HI. I am still alive. I've had so much craziness going on in real life and, in turn, rp life. But mostly real life craziness. I fell down a bunch of stairs the other day, sprained my ankle, I work at a college and registration is INSANE, and about ten other things. But I am focusing finally.

I am here, I am trying to catch up, I would love to play and mingle and text and thread and anything. My apologies for being MIA, I think I've calmed some things down (or started to not give so many fucks).

Let me know! Or email me at rhymeschream @ gmail.

- Matty/Jules/Justin/Leanne
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