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Nov. 5th, 2011



SO. That lovely attack of snow and death that sprang upon us last Saturday? Yeah, that removed my power. Until tonight.

Because life is awesome that way.


I need love, kthnx. As do my characterrrssss ;P

<3 Kelly (and Lola and Seb and Rob)

Oct. 31st, 2011


Hey all -

If this is not okay here, let me know! ;) I'm looking for someone to play an NPC for me (possible PC if the player likes!). I would really LOVE to see Alene's ex show up, now that she's conveniently forgotten all about the way he ripped her off and ditched her. He's a slick con man, so he could be fairly fun to play! If you're interested, let me know.

Also - Alene's a new lady (with her memories gone) so I'd love to get the list of people willing to be customers again! Thank you, all!


Oct. 24th, 2011


I do not get the same bragging rights Ari does, for I did not do even half the work she did lately. BUT I survived the wedding and the show and the plague, so I am finally done living backstage and ready for Internet Forever.

And catching up.

And backdating.

And finding out what's going on with us this week.

Oh god. I am so far behind it is not even funny. I'M SORRY U GUISE. PING MEH.

Gil & Evelyn: >:(


I survived all the things. Wedding-done. Burlesque show-done Midterms-done (well those that were already due). I now have room to breathe and play. WOOOOOT. I'm going to go check for tags I owe and then I'll start stalking people for plot. Tasty, tasty plot. Nom.



Okay, so, yeah, that was rude, but what can I say? It's Carter's journal, he brings out the worst in me. Annywho, I'm gonna be AFK for a short while, visiting my daughters. Catch you all on the flip side.


So - the carnival has a tiger!

And this guy. This guy right here. Maksim. (not pictured) Although, he told Chance his name is Issak. You know, for legal purposes.

He's Russian, sleazy as hell, and loves vice. Those of you in the vice profession will likely run into him. He's already starting a betting pool at the fight.

If you want your character to go visit the tiger cage or take in the show, lemme know! We can play something out or I'll run it with you through comments here. <333


Oct. 23rd, 2011


Hello my lovelies!

I have an open post for Alene (immediately after her tragic run in with a few ruffians) and I would love for someone to run into her! I need a good Samaritan (or a bad Samaritan!) to interact with her - they could get on her good or bad side, I'm not picky (obviously I love to torment my characters).

It could be someone coming to visit her or Lola or just happening by (rousties?) so if you've got someone that you could throw her way, I would <3 you forever!! If you're interested or have any questions, just hit me on AIM!


Oct. 19th, 2011


Hey guys, it's Lee. I've got some fun news, and some bad news.

Bad news is that I've been emotionally manipulated into spending most of my free time (and some time I really don't have to spare) for the next two days at a friend's house to help her with a costume she's making. And then after that, I'm being dragged out of town on Friday and Saturday with no internet connection besides my phone. So, pretty much until Sunday evening, I'm going to be very scarce and slow with replies, for which I apologize immensely. I will do my best to stay as on top of things as I can.

In more fun news, I've made up a chart of what flavors everyone's voices trigger for Guy's synthesia. I swear, most of these do have reasoning behind them. They're not just "lol *insert random flavor here*" ... Though that could have been fun. Sometimes flavors are based off of what Guy had seen them doing before speaking to them so therefore associated certain flavors with, and sometimes it's just a 'this is how their voice tastes' sort of thing. Anyway! I do hope you all enjoy it. <3

For those of you who I owe tags to, I promise, I will get to those ASAP!

Oct. 18th, 2011


1930s Slang

1930s Slang Links, cause I'm a dork! )

Oct. 14th, 2011


Fun 1930s Links

So, I was poking around looking at the prices of things, and I found a scan of a 1934 Sears catalog! It's a GREAT reference for how much things cost back in the day.

I also found a money converter to figure out how much a dollar (or any other amount) back then equals now. It's pretty fascinating!


Oct. 12th, 2011


Hello hello! Bonjour!

My name is Shae and I've played with some of you before! It's great to see familiar faces and new faces too. :D I have Alene Moret here, who is a fairly down on her luck former-high-society darling from France. She came over to the States with her ~one true love~ who happened to be a big old con man who robbed her of her money and left her to fend for herself.

In fending for herself, she found herself selling sex for money and was told to seek out the carnival for safety and a job, she is! I obviously need to run a thread with her getting here and asking for a job, but this lovely lady will be working in the hootch tent and selling her 'wares' elsewise.

She's a bit arrogant at first meeting because she's shy and she isn't going to take to being called a whore well, so...I can't wait to play opposite you guys!! <3

Oct. 10th, 2011


And this is Allie with part two of the carnival's new snake charming duo, Violet Wheatley - otherwise known as Sister Serpent. She's very glad her sister Rose said hello first, because she feels like that excuses her from doing so. Tough luck, Vi.

In many ways, she's her sister's complete opposite - she might not seem that friendly on the outside, but deep down she's not really a bad person. She's the musical part of the act, and works as a musician on the side, but she tends to stay fairly quiet. She has no objections to people and wouldn't mind having some friends, but she feels like she just can't trust herself with them - you see, her sound manipulation abilities come equipped with a sonic scream, and she doesn't have the best control of her emotions.

More information here if you'd like it. Since they're new, I'd love to have her meet some people, and she would definitely enjoy even the more disturbing acts... they suit her personality.

ETA: I thought I'd be dorky and share my character directory. I put a pathetic amount of effort into it, I might as well pretend other people might look! <3


Hi, kittens! Haley again, bringing you a Miss Rose Wheatley, one half of the new snake charming duo 'Mistress Medusa and Sister Serpent'. She shares the act with her twin sister Violet. They have just joined the carnival, so connections are zilch at this point.

Rose is a very sweet person on the outside, and more than a little twisted on the inside. She lets that part of her personality show more during her second job working as a prostitute, a profession she isn't at all unused to. However cruel her hand may be during amorous encounters, she strives to be as accommodating as possible when dealing with others on a more regular basis.

Her ability is poison generation, and she doesn't care for using it, but it does the trick when she needs it to. As she doesn't have the best grip on her power, don't be surprised if any character that interacts with her during an off-moment comes away with a small sniffle or cough.

More information about her here, and as always, I'm at sirensea91 for any plottage purposes! ♥


OKAY. So I have been sucking again lately. My threads are in limbo and I apologize. I WILL MAKE IT UP TO EVERYONE.

In theory, this week can just start fresh, unless anyone wants to continue a thread we've got going.


Unnecessary, but always appreciated mansmut icon to lure people my way? CHECK.

Oct. 4th, 2011


Helloooo, lovelies! This is Haley again, it's a sickness, introducing my newest addition to the family. Rusty Nelson is a former boxer and businessman from St. Louis, recently retired from the world of normalcy to pursue a career in something a little more eclectic. He is a medium, and has been aware of his ability since childhood. It has gotten him into heaps and heaps of trouble, as you can imagine, and being able to talk about it freely without fear of being judged is something he's still adjusting to.

He's never really not being pushed or prodded at by a spirit or entity wanting to make contact or pass along a message, so he tends to space out and go on a sort of mental 'lock down' from time to time. He works very hard to keep his messages and 'visitors' positive, but an occasional nasty thing will slip through. When that happens, he'll try to seclude himself as much as possible -- unfortunately for him, the change in temperament will still be easy to pick up on, especially to those prone to empathy.

He also works as a roustabout, because even though he is a gentle giant, he is still perfectly capable of laying down the law. He's been part of the carnival for a few months, but he's a private person and would have done more one-on-one work so he wouldn't necessarily know everyone's names. Or, because he does have a tendency to be forgetful, he might have learned a name at some point but can't quite place it when he comes across them again. Only recently has he emerged and started to become more social, now that he's adjusted to the place.

More information on him here. Any and all plot would be amaaazing. Hit me up at sirensea91 if ever anyone wants to do something with 'im!

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Oh hi guys, it's your friendly neighborhood idiot, Rae, with yet another character. And she's a girl character, too, 'cuz I can totally play those, uh-huh. Meet Cameron, a former gun moll now on the run from the law. She'll be hiding out with the carnival and working in the kootch show. Her secondary role will be shill (because Tiff kindly explained it and it is seriously the EASIEST JOB EVER ZOMG).

My AIM is still oldernotwiser63 if anyone wants to plot with this chickie. Much love to all of y'all!

Oct. 1st, 2011


Helloooo, all! This is Haley, bringing you yet another kiddie to play with: Miss Jolene Hastings, Illustrated Lady and gofer. Her personality is that of a very ornate feline -- sneaky, predatory and affectionate on her own terms. She enjoys the good things in life, like cigarettes, fast women, and the occasional drink... not necessarily in that order. She doesn't possess a supernatural ability, but she's a swell artist and will happily draw something up for someone that wants a personalized sketch. More can be learned about her here.

She's just joined the carnival, so she hasn't had much time to learn names or form any connections. GIVE HER SOME? ♥ As always, I can be reached at sirensea91 for potential plottage!


Whhhhy, hello there lovelies! Tis I, Kelly! Again. Because people ENABLE ME and then I flail and make icons and suddenly the carnival has a new mechanic/carpenter/lie detector combo with the sexy face of Niall Matter and...yes.


Rob here will probably be popping up in the next town, since I've been a sucky person and haven't found the time to set him up in Concord. He's a fun, sarcastic bundle of smirks and handyman awesomeness, with a dark twisty cream center. About six months ago, he lost both his wife and his unborn child, so he has a tiny tendency to drink to drown his sorrows. And he can sometimes be a belligerent drunk. BUT. At least he doesn't let anyone know what happened to make him so sad inside. MEN DON'T DEAL WITH THEIR EMOTIONS, YO.

Have I mentioned he's [info]edgeofaknife's older brother?

Yeah. Sexy family treeeeee.

PLOT WITH HIM, KTHNX. He needs attention, or else he'll weep. In a very non-sexy way.


Sep. 28th, 2011


eeeeeeeee! aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

So, my wedding is in two weeks (Oct 11). I still am not done with clothing (mostly done frock coat, vest, slacks, skirt, corset and ball gown skirt, not started" two bridesmaids dresses and a skirt for the girlchild) and between now and then I have an anatomy test, a lab test, and three writing assignments due. So...if I forget to tag. I likely misplaced it, please poke me. Also...from tuesday of next week through the wedding, I'll likely be very sporadic. <3<3

Sep. 25th, 2011



HI EVERYONE I um... I was moving in the middle of the week, but I was allegedly getting internet the next day and... LONG STORY SHORT I DID NOT GET INTERNET UNTIL TODAY. stupid viruses D:

BUT UM. I am here now /o/ and I am ready for scenes of all varieties. <3

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