Out of Character for the Middle Path

February 13th, 2008

Out of Character for the Middle Path


February 13th, 2008

hey, look, there's a world outside my brain!

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I've been sick. Well, most of you know that, from my whinging over on LJ. But I sorta thought I ought to say something officially here, since I've been horribly absent. And I'm sorry for that. *sighs* My head was having trouble holding more than a thought at a time for a while there.

I'm also terribly behind on reading threads (although I'm starting to work on getting caught up) and thus, a bit lost where to jump in. I'm trying to regain my feet.

If anyone would like Kitty, or if I missed something I ought to have taken notice of, please poke me here or on IM and grab me, ok?

So Valentine's!

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So, Valentine's. There's going to be a box outside the gym (where the party is) for people to drop in Valentine's for people anonymously. This post will also serve that purpose. Comments screening on, I'll post them later. You can post them anon here too.

IC rules are to keep it nice and they will find you if they aren't.

So post any valentines your charries want sent anonymously here.

PS: If you want a picture with your valentine you can anon upload to http://tinypic.com/
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