Online Asylum OOC

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October 5th, 2008

Just a heads up.

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The FAQ has been updated.

Please take a moment to read.


September 18th, 2008


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So what can’t I do?

Here is a list of things that aren't allowed: characters under sixteen, OOC behaviour, canon-puncturing, AU characters, original characters, embroiling characters in plots without the permission of their players, if you are planning something big that would have global impact then you need to communicate that this is upcoming, advertising posts to the main asylum (unless it's IC both in terms of the post and its content) and non-worksafe material outside of LJ cuts.
When in doubt, consult the rules, and if you're still concerned, consult a mod by posting a comment to this post or by emailing them.

 How often do I need to post ?

Players are encouraged to keep their characters active in order to keep the game going. As such, characters are expected to post to either their own journals or the asylum at least once every month. Comment threads are also an acceptable form of activity, although harder to keep track of, so if you suspect your character may be in danger of being culled for inactivity, feel free to contact the mod to let her know you're still playing.
What point in the canon timeline should I play the character?

As per the rules, the character must be over sixteen, and you must adhere, largely, to canon up to the point of start of play. Beyond that, it's up to you. You can play the character through ongoing canon, changed by the game or not. Although if for instance you want to change this so as to render the character unrecognisable then this might not be the game for you. 

Can I get involved with other canons?

Sure you can, muns usually cackle with glee when plots that have been plotted and built towards garners reaction, but when you want to take on large sections of canon then its best to check with the pups of that canon first set your own boundaries and agree on what your pup knows and what they don't. Same goes with offering help, if your pup wants to help out a pup in another canon email the mun first as a courtesy it might be important that the pup suffers.

Are AUs (Alternate Universes) allowed?

Sort of.

The positive spin: You are allowed to make the character AU from the starting point of play-- i.e. from you start playing him. The pup will be interacting with pups he or she would normally have no connection with. If you choose to pick the character up at a point before something happens in canon later, ie a character death you can play it so that he avoids encountering that situation-- preferably though the game, such as asking someone else for advice or becoming otherwise involved. Furthermore, as canon for characters can be so different (what is real and/or normal to say, Harry Potter is quite different to what is real for Rose Tyler, for example but we’ll get onto that later).

No: What you are not allowed to do is play a character from the beginning that does not tally with canon: i.e. Superman from Earth, or House not being a doctor. If you want to change the character during the course ofplay, that's a different matter (though obviously, you should have damn good reason).
Are pairings allowed, what kind and how filthy can I make it?

Any pairings you like and as smutty as you like. The longer version is that smut is allowed so long as it is labelled as such and placed behind a cut-tag, and that any pairing up of characters is allowed provided the players of all parties involved agree to it beforehand. If the pairing is dubious and what they are upto is dubious too please give adequate warnings.
If my application is rejected, can I reapply?

Indeed. You can re-apply with the same character if your application was rejected for not being IC enough, or with a different character, if you prefer. Whatever. There are no limits on the amount of times you can apply.
Can I apply for more than one character/have more than one character?

Yes. Players may have up to five characters active at the game at any one point and no more than two in any one canon.

Does the game acknowledge multiple universes?

Not really, no. The game is tied to a broadly contemporary early 21st Century so if you want to play Admiral Adama or Xena Warrior Princess this is not the place for you. However if your canon is near future or recent history there shouldn’t be a bother.

But what about magic and people with powers?

We hope that everyone can co-exist peaceably in the same universe: magic and science both exist. A scientist perceives magic in terms of science and a magician/wizard/witch/supernatural being would have magical/power based explanations for science. Think of it in terms of Shroedigger’s cat. Both exist in the box at the same time but once the box is opened what you expect to see is what you will see.
Of course a scientific character will be able to question and harass a magical character ask for them to substantiate what they are and how they do things. Likewise, magic users can ask to learn other things. How well they can communicate, cause friction and row is up to you. Provided it is all kept in character.
However, anything that this felt to be OOC bullying IC will result in a ban.

Can I play a non-human character?

Yes, but humanoid characters only. What does this mean? Humanoid characters (for example, vampires, some demons, some aliens, part-angels, part-demons, etc.) are allowed. Non-humanoid characters (characters with, say, more than one head, more than two legs, more than two arms, would not be allowed, or characters that are otherwise obviously non-human) are not. However, if your character could pass for human (like the Doctor, or the demons from Supernatural), then that's fine, too.
I’m really busy, RL is making posting impossible can I take a break?

You can go on break or hiatus by posting in the OOC asylum. It is preferable to also make an IC post explaining why your character will be absent in his/her own journal, or the main character asylum. You may be on hiatus for up to a month. If you need a longer period of hiatus than this, please contact the mod either through the OOC asylum or directly to discuss the matter further.
How do I contact the modly ones?

The mods for this game are Buckbeakbabie and Pipsytip , and can you can reach us in a number of ways: The easiest way is to email us at you can also ping us on AIM or Gtalk. 

How do I set up an " IC RL" event?

You can set these up in a variety of ways, if you want-- post an invite to a party IC in the main asylum, with a link to a party thread in the Logs asylum. You can set them up in IM chats, or whatever. Basically, any way you could set one up for yourself online, you can have your character do.
Those fake filtered posts look cool… how do I make them?

We use filtered posts and comments are useful because they allow characters to filter content to or from specific characters without excluding the players from the information. Filtered posts are simple; you make the post as normal and include one of the following in the first line of the main body of the post:

[Filtered from ]
[Filtered to ]
[Private Entry]

If you would like to filter a comment, or just a section of a post, it should look like this:
[Private to ]
content here

The code for these filters are as follows:

Filtered to:
*img src="" border="0"* [Filtered to]
Filtered from:
*img src="" border="0"* [Filtered from]
Filtered to:
*img src="" border="0"* *b>[Private Entry]</b>
Comment filtering:
*div style="background-color: #efefef; border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 2px;">[Private to ]
content here
We suggest that copying these and adding the appropriate names as required. We found it easier to save them to a text file on your HD than having to come back to this post every time. Replace * with angle brackets.

When someone fake filters an entry, the people who are filtered out do not see the post, and know nothing about it. The people who are filtered in know who is being excluded from the filter as per the inclusion of names at the top of the post.

I.E., a post from Harriet
[ Filtered to Matt, Danny and Jordan]
In the text that would follow the only people who would be able to read it IC are Matt, Danny, Jordan and of course Harriet.
Regards private comments, only the people specified in the inclusion list, as well as the person posting the comment. Ditto for replies. People may post filtered comments to individuals other than the journal owner, and the journal owner will not be able to see them unless they are listed in the inclusion list. I.E., Matt and Danny may have a private conversation in the comments of one of Harriet’s posts, and Harriet will not be able to read it unless he is specifically included in the list of people able to see the comments.
Can my character friend characters from other RPGs, or people not in this RPG?
Sure, so long as it doesn't clash with any of the rules (no canon puncturing etc.), then go for it.
Can my character post to his own journal too?

Of course; the more the better. In-game interaction outside the asylum and on character journals counts too.
Does my character have to friend everyone else in the asylum?

Not at all, but it's likely to be more fun if you do.
What if I want to apply for a character that already has canon-mates in the game?

When you apply for a character that already has character(s) from their canon active in the game, your application will first be checked to see if you have been referred by the player of that character. If yes, and the application is suitable, you will be accepted immediately. If not, the player of the character(s) will be consulted before your application is accepted. This is because of the veto system in place in the game to ensure characters can interact at the onlineasylum freely without having to worry that someone who isn’t aware of the plot that has been laid out. If your application for that character is rejected, you are, of course, more than welcome to apply again as a different character.
What is the policy on character reservations/vetoes?

Players will be encouraged to accept the character being applied for unless it would seriously impact their ability to play their current character in the game. Eg Someone playing Claire from Heroes would be impinged if a Noah pup was applied as it would render her unplayable. If it would simply not be possible for the current character(s) to continue interacting at the Cafe in the same manner as before, however, vetoes will be accepted.
Can characters "hack" other characters journals to see private and/or filtered posts?

Yes, but only if:
- it's canon that the character can do this
- both players agree to it beforehand.
It is NOT acceptable to "hack" the LJ of a character without their player's explicit permission beforehand.
Can characters track another to their RL via their LJ?

Yes, but only if:
- it's canon that the character can do this
- both players agree to it beforehand.
It is NOT acceptable to track a character without their player's explicit permission beforehand.
Will a character's superpowers work through LJ?

Yes, but again, only at the discretion of the players of other characters. For example, if your superpowered character has the ability to read minds, s/he may only read the minds of characters whose players have agreed to this beforehand. This may be explained away by constraints that they have upon their powers – that they are face to face or an RL meet up, or any other meansthe players agree upon. People who play uberpowered pups will be expected show some level of responsibility and to okay their actions with other pups and sort out issues. If in doubt ask a mod.

Can one character influence the RL of another?

Yes, but only if:
- they would be able to do this within their Canon. Eg Nathan Petrelli with his resources would be able to exert some influence on people’s lives, he has a lot of money and connections. For Peter to achieve the same thing he would have to find a more hands on approach.
- both players agree to it beforehand.
It is NOT acceptable to influence the RL of a character without their player's explicit permission beforehand.
What's the policy on spoilers?

There are two types of spoilers: spoilers for stuff that's already happened, and spoilers for stuff that hasn't yet happened.

The first really can't be avoided in a multi-fandom asylum. Basic interaction with other characters is going to spoil you about past events in series' you may not be fully caught up with. To that, I can only say: maybe a multifandom rpg isn't for you, because that's just. unavoidable.

The second kind is trickier. Like, for example, if your character's show goes on hiatus, you can't just shelve your pup for one/three/six months, and no one expects you to. Furthermore, you might want to play around with whatever spoilers you've picked up for what's going to happen once your canon starts back. This is natural, and it's fine. However, some people might not want to be spoiled for what's happening in the future. So, the rule on upcoming spoilers is something like this: just don't declare it. Don't mention it's a spoiler at all, that way, people who don't want to be spoiled (and therefore have not read the spoilers) won't know whether it's one of those filler things one makes up oneself in order to keep things moving.
You might want to go off piste and make up some adventures for your pups in these times and that’s fine. Don’t feel you have to sit there twiddling thumbs.

What's the policy on canon-puncturing?

As a lot of characters like to post quizzes, the danger of canon-puncturing is ever present. Its possible that we’ll have some high-profile characters here, and it's sometimes very hard to keep people from accidentally puncturing one another. All I ask is that you familiarize yourself with the canons present (you can find the list of canons & characters here) and try not to post quizzes that reference any of these in the questions/results.

If someone slips up, it's no big deal. So long as it's accidental, there aren't going to be any warnings or threats of being kicked out. In the event of an accidental canon puncture, ignore, ignore, ignore. Ok? IGNORE. Don't have your character react or comment, just pretend you never saw the post(s) in question, and drop me a line so I can notify the person(s) who made the slip and it'll all be fine.

What kind of posts can I make?
The list of rules for the IC asylum can be found in the user info of the IC asylum itself. Rulebreaking in the IC asylum will be tolerated only if it is IC to do so; mod smackdowns of players in the IC asylum do NOT reflect anger with the player. Should the need arise to warn/dicipline a player, it will be done in private.

What kind of posts can I make?
Any kind you like. Fic snippits, plot requests, general comments-- whatever. No advertisements, though, please.
Can I post here in character?

No; use the IC asylum for that. Please don't comment to posts in the OOC asylum in character, either. Basically, the characters can't see the OOC asylum, even though players use their accounts to post there.
What kind of logs can I post?
You can post any kind of logs you like, and in any format. Examples include group written logs, im logs, in comment threads.

Anything Goes.
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