Online Asylum OOC

September 28th, 2008



September 28th, 2008

OOC since Layla is so secretive, I am going to have in her journal occassional blurbs from Newspaper

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This is kind of important, Layla is a very private person when it comes to her powers and her job. Sure, she talks to Will all the time, but not others. Sure others at her school know, but not until the end of the film did they know her powers.

So, I plan to write up a Gilmore Gazette or something. It will part of a large paper, so people would be able to read about things she has done, also there might be blurbs on the News. So people could hear about it. They will only know her alter ego- Earth Goddess. I plan to do a few of them in her journal, they will be listed as Gilmore whatever the name here. This will represent the fact she took the articles out of the paper and stuffed them into a private place that is not easy for someone to just find. Also, it will be open to comment, if people want to, or they can talk about it in their journals, like they do with Rose, if they want. This is not mandatory or anything, it is just a way to keep up with Layla crime fighting sprees. If anyone has questions, comments or anything you can ping me in my friends only post on my journal.
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