Online Asylum OOC

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August 16th, 2011

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January 8th, 2010

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Peace out!

November 6th, 2009

Couple of things...

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New charries!

Barney Stinson from HIMYM, [info]thebarnacle is about to join the comm. Ladies, hold on to your panties. Guys, SUIT UP!

Also, so is Robin, [info]empress_penguin, but Barney doesn't know that, lol.

Sooo, I've updated the cast list, and if you all wanna update the flists so you can see the awesome, paste the following into the Admin Console:

friend add thebarnacle
friend add empress_penguin

Or, you know, you can friend them individually. :D

November 2nd, 2009


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Today is Doomsday. During the 2pm ghost shift (which will be late), all of the ghosts will become Cybermen.

They'll work on subduing resistance for a while, but within half an hour they'll be distracted by fighting Daleks, and will soon retreat.

And then the Daleks and any remaining Cybermen will be sucked away.

The American pups needn't worry, seeing how Brit-focused Who is, the Cybermen's main operations are in the UK. But there will be a couple of hours of complete terror.

Sorry about that. :(

September 21st, 2009

Well, Peggy heard a noise in the cellar....

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OKay so here we go with some massive Who plots. I'm about to kick off Army of Ghosts/Doomsday canon.

There are gonna be ghosts appearing over the next few days. The first ones will appear at 2pmGMT on Wednesday. That's 9AM for the east coast peeps and 6AM for the West coast pups. They'll be there for about 2 minutes total, and there'll be panic.

There'll be another appearance the next day at the same time, and then one an hour later. Over the next couple of days they'll even out. By the weekend there'll be a routine. 12.10PM GMT for 2 mins, 2.45PM GMT for 4 minutes, 6.33PM GMT for 5 mins...

And in general the world will calm down after a couple of days. People will start projecting things onto the ghosts, personalities and some will think it's people they know who have died. Have fun (or more appropriately, ANGST) with this, please.

It's meant to last two months, but I'm speeding it up, just cos. Rose and Pete are travelling with the Doctor, and will be out of reach. They'll be back in two weeks, and then...

The ghosts will be Cybermen.

Yeeeah, that'll be fun. Not. :P

August 8th, 2009


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Danny and Jordan are getting married today.

If your pups want to come, Danny would have sent them plane tickets and booked them in the hotel. They can have been there as long as they want.

It's going to be a casual thing, gonna handwave the ceremony and skip to the mingling thread. :D

July 4th, 2009

Heads up

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The next fortnight will be heroes vvolume 4.

I have a whole bunch of logs ready to go. This is kind of Peter's and claire's magnum opus over the next couple of weeks.

There logs will be sporadic to start with and then will become more frequent.

Some will be placeholders until completed. There are some elements which would get reported on national news NAthan's project. Although most people will think its anti terror laws and the footage of american citizens being transported.

Any q's give me a holler.

May 8th, 2009

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Hey all, I been really ill and having insurance issues. I have been trying to keep up, but my energy is zapped. I still have the wedding placeholder to finish up, but I will get there. Sorry for any problems it may have caused. Want to log with some of you.

April 1st, 2009

Haven't been here in a while...

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And lovely as you lot are, I'm wondering if I should stay. Fair is fair, and I've not been around to RP with anyone, so how fair is that?

Real Life ate Most of February and all of March, with my mother being in hospital for a chunk of that and home renovations occurred while she was away - and are still on-going. I just don't have enough time for Griffin, bless him, so I think he needs to be shelved, at least for now.

Until I can give him the justice I intended to when I joined. Right now, I'm not. I'm just too busy and exhausted.

You're all wonderful. Thank you for letting me RP him on the On-Line Asylum. I wish you the best, with this game and any others you're in.

Fair winds, folks...

March 30th, 2009

Just a heads up...

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There shall be many many Narlie logs this week. They're busy bees bless 'em.

And you know what they say: A Narlie log a day keeps the boo hoos away.

Well, no, they don't say that. They should though. :D

March 11th, 2009

And ooc shout out

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I am shattered.

Work has been insane I've had to travel a lot this week and at the moment. All the muses here are being eaten saved Mattie.

Tonight has turned into date night for me and teh boy and we're going to see watchmen and have pizza.

Brain is made of goo. Will be posting 4am miracle stuff when I get home.

Beaky we need to decide which logs get posted when. I think you can see the drafts of all mine, let me know how you want it to work.

Apologies if you've tagged either Matt, Claire, Peter, Lucy or willow. All pups are throwing hands up in despair at me.

March 5th, 2009

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This is really hard to do, but I think I need to take Julie out of here for now. Her niche is hard to find and I don't want to hold up on anyone.

May be I can bring her back later?

February 24th, 2009

Just a quick catchup

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[info]pipsytip here with a new pup Willow from BtVS.

I've now got 5 pups. Matt, Pete, Lucy, Claire and Willow and I think that for the first time ever I'm playing more women than men. LOL

Claire is going to be broadly following Heroes canon from where we're currently up to. IE Volume 4. I'm sowing the seeds for that already. With both Pete and Claire.

Willow is coming into the mix from the beginning of Buffy season one. Which makes her a lot younger than anyone else. If anyone has any issues with her being so young please let me know. She won't be engaging in any nc-17 activities for a long time anyway... ALso depending on how I'm going to run things, the first three season are probably going to get condensed anyway.

February 23rd, 2009

I've been AWOL...

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Hey, sorry, I've not been around. RL has been kicking my ass again, so Griffin has been quiet. He's been busy with his new job and I'll post about the current status there someday soon, but I feel badly that I just fell off the face of the earth...

It's been like that for RPing, in general.

So, this is an 'I'm still alive' post and an 'I'm sorry' post and an 'I've friended the new characters' post - though if I've missed anyone, please let me know.

Okay, I go pass out now...

January 16th, 2009

modly announcement

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In order to make the main asylum that bit more busy we're going to start posting some kind of group participation post and challenge to be completed IC

We're going to start off with some Friday 5 and then, we're going to add a coupld of other bits and pieces.

Beaky and I are also pleased to unveil the new [info]onlineasylumau Online Asylum Alternate Universe.

Ever wanted to do something that little bit cracky but don't want to do so with the pup in the main comm, this is the space to do it!

If you can comment with one of your pups so that we know that you've read this, that would be good.

Also we're in dire need of fresh blood and I think some of you might be a tad sleepy after the holiday period. Talk to your friends we need a few more people to make the game flow that little bit easier.

We've started pimping the comm like mad, advertising all over the place but word of mouth is always the best way to get these games going.

Any questions queries or ponderances please comment below or you can email us at

December 24th, 2008


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So tomorrow is Christmas Invasion.

1/3 of the world will be on the roof. Anyone who has A+ blood.

You're free to have your character on the roof or people belonging to them, though obviously you don't have to react tomorrow... its Christmas, time for RL! Hee.

Just I ask that people keep in mind that in Who canon, the UK government, Torchwood and UNIT take control, and no matter what connections or powers anyone else has, this is canonically a situation where no one can help, no one knows what to do but the Doctor. The situation has to be dire.

Rose won't be posting until its all over anyway. And of my other pups, only Danny is going to be on the roof (at the studio.)

People go to the roof at around 7am, and snap out of it at about 9AM. This is GMT obviously.

And on a non game note, merry Christmas everyone! :D

December 14th, 2008

a petey update

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Pete is currently off trying to do in his father.

This should be resolved this week.

He's not been replying to comments because he's obviously not around.

He's not ignoring you.

November 28th, 2008


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I feel like all I do these days is post in OOC, lol! Sorry about that.

I'll be away until sometime Sunday and though I think we'll have Internet where we're going, I can't guarantee it, and as I'm supposed to 'unplug' this weekend, I probably shouldn't sneak on at all.

So, I may be tagging and such, but will be sporadic.

Glad to see Peter's okay. :D

- The Griff

November 25th, 2008


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My laptop has been having trouble over the weekend, and is now being looked at by the pros.

And that's where I have all kinds of things I don't have on my PC.

Like the codes to filter messages and stuff.


Can't really post right now...


Will be around when I can be...

November 22nd, 2008

Just a heads-up...

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InsaneJournal has been exactly that for the last week: insane.

So has work and life, but the either IJ or this site or the Internet in general has been hit or miss - for me, anyway. I can access some games, some of the time, but even then, the blank pages and lost replies have been driving me mad.

I'm trying to catch up with tagging and getting into the new situation, but I have to run errands and stuff in about five minutes and not sure when I'll be back today.

Please let me know if I've missed anyone. Still have to tag Peter and Griffin at his apartment, but I'm out of time right now. I think that might be the only one I owe at this point.

So, yeah. That's it.
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