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[Jan. 22nd, 2008|11:08 pm]

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Community: [info]rainbosunnydale
Plot: Pretty much an all slash Buffyverse Role play comm.
To gain entry: You have to know the administrators.

Community: [info]worldmerge
Plot: A panfandom comm about worlds merging.
To gain entry: Apply then wait for approval.

Community: [info]_ravenhurst_
Plot: A panfandom comm set in Malvern, Pennsylvania.
To gain entry: Apply then wait for approval.

Community: [info]worlds_collide
Plot: A Bifandom comm about worlds of Harry Potter and Doctor Who.
To gain entry: Apply then wait for approval.

Stacey!!!!! [Jan. 12th, 2008|02:14 am]
Plot Point

You know Tara is dead, right? And Willow is with Faith?

I do have a counter offer that might help with the ressurection if you're interested. Tara is more than welcome to be an angel or god from Yuri's group. Let me know.
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Upcoming story archs [Jan. 9th, 2008|12:42 am]

Before the upcoming battle with the Evil Phoenix....

We need to have Jaq and crew (Toni, M, Danica, Saul and Violet are all invited) kidnap Nancy and Frankie to torture as a show of power.

Relevent to Characters: Jaq, Toni, M, Danica, Saul, Violet, Nancy, Frankie, Morrigan, Yuri and possibly Ava and of course any and all overprotective slayer types, girlfriends and sisters of wolf boy

Injury Down Memory Lane

After Buffy and Faith's dates and after Faith and Pixie reunite...

While on patrol with Buffy Faith finds herself in a compromising position while fighting a vampire that causes her to go into complete panic attack shock. The vampire takes the opportunity to wound her. Before he can attempt to finish her off Buffy kills said vamp and helps Faith back to the mans. Faith is so rattled that only Buffy and Willow can physically touch her. The memories this brings back are of things Pixie is unaware of and Faith wants to keep it that way. She insists Belle or someone keep her occupied elsewhere. She doesn't want to see her at all, but doesn't want her lil sis's feelings hurt either. Willow gets to learn more about her girlfriend (and probably play naughty nurse when she's feeling better -wink- but that's another story lol). This also gives Belle an opportunity to take care of Pixie at an emotional time and get to know her better -clears throat- in an emotional mental sort of way lol

Relevent to Characters: Buffy, Faith, Willow, Belle, Pixie, Dawn, Xander, Frankie and any other lingering slayer types intrested in said story arch

If you are interested and would like your character to be involved in one way or another please reply with character and intent. Thank you :) -pimps shamelessly- lol
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|11:50 am]

Tee hee everyonce in a while you just gotta say that lol

In all seriousness though, our beloved Val is a bit out of comission. She boo booed her foot and is in the ranks of the barely mobile. So until the swelling goes down she wont be around much. So just be patient. I'm sure she'll get around to replies and so forth as soon as she's feelin' better. And I will be happy to pass on your best wishes etc.
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Guess who's Comin ta Femenino!! [Dec. 27th, 2007|09:27 pm]
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Oh yeah, it's Diana Prince herself, the original, one and only (in this verse anyway) Wonder Woman. She is the living emobodiment of goodness, justice and compassion. She is Yuri's representative on Earth. A very public figure, it's entirely possible that many characters on board have had hero worship, crushes or were annoyed by her eternal optimism and understanding.

Sister Tribes

Antiope's Amazons )

Hippolyta's Amazons )
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[Dec. 13th, 2007|12:34 am]

[Current Mood |giddy]

Me and Debi spoke it over. Since it's the 12 days of Christmas as of today, I thought it right to announce that we are gonna have an offday on X-mas. No role plays to be had that day. I highly doubt anyone of you will be on.

Anyways thanks for making the transition to insanejournal and happy holidays.

That is all.

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[Dec. 7th, 2007|01:12 pm]

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[Dec. 7th, 2007|12:59 pm]

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