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New Player [Dec. 7th, 2008|04:08 pm]
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Hey all, it's Ash. So we've got a new player, welcome Bee! She'll be playing Theodore Nott. So add [info]theo_nott!

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[Nov. 9th, 2008|05:27 pm]
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Hey all!  We decided to make IC!Draco mod-only for now.  Of course, if we receive a really good application and any applicant would be willing to work with us on plotty things, then that's all good too.  Just thought we'd get the word out.  =)

-Joey and Ash
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New player!!! [Sep. 21st, 2008|03:42 pm]
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Everyone welcome Tammy, who will be playing Su Li. Please add [info]surelysuli to your friend's lists. :D

[MOVED POST from [info]o2c_mod_device @ 9/26/2008:]

1) New Characters
Taryn's taken up Megan Jones and Lulu's taken up Victoria Frobisher, so add [info]meggybear and [info]maladroitly to your friend's lists. Friend button is also updated.

2) New FAQ Page
I added a new FAQ page with character's birthdays. Let me know if you want other dates added and if I don't have your characters birthday comment to the date post so I can add it.

3) Asylum Membership

Everyone check your asylum invitation pages because I've noticed several characters missing from various asylums. If you're not sure if you're in one or not, check that asylum's info page for your name and if you don't find it let me know so I can add you.

4) Theo
I've dropped Theodore Nott so, yeah, he's gone now. :(

Okay, I think that's it for now.

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Losing players [Sep. 10th, 2008|04:55 pm]
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Bad news, we've lost two players. Jen (Snapedude) unfortunately had to leave and due to non-posting and no communication we've removed Sophia (Adrian Pucey). So remove [info]theghostdude and [info]go_go_pucey from your lists, or if you got to the friending button and enter your journal name it will remove them automatically.

Also, on another note, anyone who hasn't filled out the player survey", please do so.

[MOVED POST from [info]o2c_mod_device @ 9/11/2008:]

We have a new player! Everyone welcome Amanda, she'll be playing Ginny, and add [info]gingerbomb to your lists!
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New player! [Sep. 8th, 2008|09:47 am]
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Everyone, we have a new player; Shiz. She'll be playing OOC! Draco. So add [info]flamboyantdraco to your friends lists. :D
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Update [Aug. 11th, 2008|10:33 pm]
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In order to avoid confusion, our Hermione has changed her journal name to [info]wittywitch. So add this name and delete soveryclever from your lists.
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New player! [Aug. 11th, 2008|03:29 pm]
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We have a new player! Everyone welcome Kitty. She played in omghp long ago and now she'll be taking up IC Hermione. She's using the journal name [info]soveryclever [info]wittywitch but she's not the Hermione-who-ran-off-with-Draco. So, anyway, add her. Yay! :D
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New Character! [Jun. 23rd, 2008|05:29 pm]
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Taryn has picked up Montague, yay! So add [info]notacapulet.
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New character! [Jun. 12th, 2008|11:15 am]
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Lulu has taken up Hestia Jones, so add [info]convivially! :D
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New Character [Jun. 10th, 2008|03:11 pm]
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So Dezi's taken up Kingsley Shacklebolt! Yay! add [info]the_fuzz.
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Modly post [May. 28th, 2008|06:37 pm]
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Okay since Joey's in Japan for the month I'm your sole friendly neighborhood mod. If you anything pm the mod account or aim me at elf arluinuial. :)
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Charlieeeee! We're going to Magic Candy Mountain, Charlie!!! [May. 13th, 2008|07:53 pm]
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So yes, we have a Charlie. It's Pinky! :D We've decided to raise our max character limit to four for now, and we'll do activity checks now and then to make sure people who want to take on more characters are active. So yes, friend [info]keeperofdragons :D CHARLIE!!!!
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All Hail Pinky!!! [Mar. 31st, 2008|11:58 am]
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Pinky has kindly updated our timeline from January on. She is awesome! And the timeline is awesome- she did commentary XD. Anyway, yes, thank you Pinky! We <3 you!
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New! New! New! [Mar. 25th, 2008|11:42 pm]
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*fanfare* We have a Fred!!!!!! :D Welcome Patty, everyone! The friending button is updated, and Patty's journal name is freddy_boy so add! Yay!!!

Also, still need nominations for a new Minister. It can be aaaaanybody.
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[Mar. 10th, 2008|09:04 pm]
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'Tis Joey here and I come with news both sad and glad. (Leave me alone, I wanted to rhyme.)

First, Whit has decided not to return to O2C due to being busy with school. Therefore, Cedric and Luna are up for adoption to a good home. Posts have been made, so let's hope for the best, both for Whit and for Ceddy and Luna ([info]diggorical and [info]aka_loony).

Secondly, everyone say hello to Sofia, who has taken up Adrian Pucey! yayyyy. :D [info]go_go_pucey

[MOVED POST from [info]o2c_mod_device @ Feb 1 2008:]

Okay everyone, welcome our newest member, Tabby. She'll be playing Hermione. Add [info]brainyhermione. :D
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Comms & stuff [Jan. 11th, 2008|04:27 pm]
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So, I finally changed the layouts of the communities and I put a different header in the profile of each one. I went with simple and I think it looks all right. Lemme know what you all think or if you think I ought to change them. :)
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Yay, stuff! [Jan. 10th, 2008|05:48 pm]
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Okay, so first of all, Jen is back!! She's dropped Bella but taken up the Dude again as a ghost! YAY!!!
Whit also made journals for Cedric and Luna.
The friending button is fully updated now but if it doesn't work for you, then friend add [info]theghostdude for Jen's Snape and [info]diggorical and [info]aka_loony for Whit's Cedric and Luna.

And two other notes, everyone remember to refill out the player survey, please.

And if you could all check Asylum Invite Page for community invites, it would be much appreciated. It's showing me that some players haven't accepted invites even though they're in the comms. So yeah, if you go there it'll probably clear it up if you've still got invites.
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Yay! [Jan. 3rd, 2008|04:24 pm]
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Leah is back, yay! She's kept Michael as [info]eristklug but Roger's new journal is [info]daviesboy. Also added to the friending button. :)
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Welcome! [Jan. 2nd, 2008|08:29 pm]
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Okay everyone, we're pretty much up and running. I still need to make the communities look pretty but I'll get to that later. FAQs are up, friend button is as updated as I can manage at the moment and we have a new player. Welcome V, who has taken up an OCC Luna. Yay :) Her journal name is [info]moonradish and she's already on the friending button.
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