Returning to the team had been hard on both of them, but especially on Eliot. While she had spent the first weeks and months of their leaving wondering if they'd done the right thing, Eliot had thrived away from the group the moment they'd left, but then Eliot had never really found his place in this team. She also knew how hard things were for him now and didn't need to look at him to know how sensitive this matter was to him.
"I would hope that our actions both before we left and after we returned show that we want to help and pitch in, more than our words ever could," April answered, though she felt sometimes people here had a selective memory. "And I personally have never said anything about being a part of the team since returning, I'm still trying to get to know people." If anything she was still figuring out what her role was when the one thing she'd always been had passed to someone else. Now she was just the least trained person here, the burden for the rest of them to carry, and no amount of moving cars around would change that.
"I'm not pretending to be a part of the team, neither is Eliot. Would I be happier if I could be accepted and have a place here? Of course I would, we both would, but I'm not stupid enough to think that we can just return and be accepted."
"One thing though, while we've said that we'll settle somewhere in some dimension, sometime in the future, eventually others will think about leaving too. We're from different dimensions, some will want to return to their homes, some will want to stay with the group or their partner, some of us will settle, knowing our own dimension isn't an option. We might have been the first to make the call, but we won't be the last and somehow, someday, that will have to be dealt with."