Re: Robert/Thomas
"I wasn't here, but Sam took the team out, hunting once. We haven't done it since I've been here, but if we can't do it with the team, ad if you're okay with it, I'd go with you. Or you can tell Travis, although-" Why the fuck had he even started this conversation? Oh yes, this was G's team, and Deeks would need help to cover everything and take care of everyone. "I know it would be easier with him, but you might want to consider stepping out of your comfort zone."
Robert chuckled "She's fine now, and that's all it matters." The rest was even more familiar. He'd had plenty of discussions about 'friends' with Mike. "No on appreciates my definition of friends, which I suspect was much like yours. They are mutual beneficial acquaintances, with only the right people, from the right families and with the right connections, but I was lucky. I had the Air Force. Thing is you don't have to define what this is, just like you don't have to accept the word 'family'. Just accept that it's here. No definition needed."
Wincing in sympathy, he took his hand away. "Sorry, I'll hit the other knee next time," he said teasingly. "The country might know, but we don't, and you fucked up, but that's also a past tense. Your record with us is pretty good, and look, the truth is that every single one of us has had some really fucked up moments since coming here, and it might as well be the whole country knowing it, because anyone who knows us knows what we did. In a way, we're in your situation, and we do understand."
He snorted at the comment. "You will do some things on your own, because we're not that nice. Look, I get what you're saying. I can't say addiction has ever been my problem, because with my job, I'd probably be dead, but sometimes when you need to do something aloe, or you think you do, a supporting word from someone who's not your family can g a long way, because no one wants to disappoint his family, so there's certain barrier there, whether we like to admit it or not, but it's much easier to rely on someone outside your family when you don't are what they'll think. Whether that's Savannah or someone else, that's for you to decide."