Re: Robert/Thomas
Robert laughed. "No, not just you. I have no interest in children, but there's Savannah, so we all know better than to express the sentiment around her. It's just easier to avoid an hour long speech that's meant to convince us of the beauty of shitty diapers. We might be headstrong, but we all know when to pick our battles." And he was a pro at ignoring what he didn't want to hear, so it work for him.
He looked at Liam and snorted. "He was a preemie, spent months in the incubator. When we took him out and stored the incubator, he disappeared from his crib and teleported to the incubator that was in a truck under the Arizona sun. It's why we have a GSP on his ankle and one that I pin in his clothes. Once we live here, with no computers, no satellites, and no GPS, now that scares the fuck out of me, but it's not like there's much to be done."
No one got their sense of humor, but Robert knew that, instead he stared at Thomas for a moment. "At least you can shoot them now, and I bet that nine in the morning used to be a much later time." He took another sip. "I got my commission in the Air Force after college, a pilot naturally. I didn't have a security detail, but my adoptive mother trained me since I was not much older than Liam. Turns out she might have been an ex CIA operative, which explains the training, but I like not relying on anyone else."
Robert chuckled again. "What? You think we're all like her? I'll let you in on a secret. None of us are, maybe Sean, at least with the hugs, but it takes all kinds to make a family, and it takes someone like her to bring so many different personalities together, but we're not the Borg." He nodded. "I'm glad, but if you find hat spa and stylist and don't share, I might hurt you, and I know plenty of ways to do it that don't ruin my manicure." He grew serious. "Open ended, Thomas. I can't say I know what you must feel like, but I might get some things better than some of the others. As I said, when you trust me." And Robert wasn't holding his breath, because that took time, a lot more than two months, a few parties and hugs.
"Oh, you're fucked. They pretty much adopted Travis the day he arrived, because he's LAPD, so you'd have no choice eve if she didn't think you were a puppy, but for training, she's technically still on leave. I'll tell her to stick with you, ask you for help with the kids if it becomes too much, and you just mention your injuries once in a while," he said with a smirk. "Seriously, Thomas, you don't think that we all go for honesty and hugs, right? I'm perfectly all right with spinning things if it avoids me a discussion with that girl. I love her, my brother adopted her, but that doesn't mean I enjoy banging my head against a wall when she's decided that she's going to do something." He moved closer and lowered his voice. "You know, it is much easier to nod and go along at the beginning, because then she eases up and you can do whatever you want again. On the other hand, if you ever need anything, she'll help before you even ask, before you even know you need help. She's got a good heart," he said, smiling in Savannah's direction. "She pushes, but that's because she's had to deal with men who put so many walls up that you needed a professional climber to see what was behind them, but if she ever gets too much, no matter what the problem she thinks is, tell her that you're talking to me about it, okay? Just give me the heads up in case she checks with me."