Leon Vance (leon_vance) wrote in omega_reality, @ 2012-10-02 08:28:00 |
RP: Decision time
Who: Everyone
Where: Dining Room
When: 0800, October 2, 2012
Summary: Leon shares some news
Leon waited for people to have breakfast. He wanted everyone's attention before finally starting the meeting that would change their lives once again, because this time it wasn't just moving to a different location, but changing the way they did things. Their covers would not about names, but about pretending to fit in a world that wasn't theirs while working their own agenda and hoping to succeed before a new attack.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I might have your attetion. I'm sure you all understand why actions must be taken. While our job is to survive and find a way home, we can't let others with our powers destroy the people here. Only we have the knowledge and powers needed to stop them, or at least keep them in check. Last night, I had a meeting with President Allen, and she wants to reinstate ICIS." It was so much easier to hide behind names, titles, federal structures. Both sides were using them for their own purposes, Leon knew that, but at this point it was the best they could do to protect all involved.
"I agreed with her. We will be stationed at the base again. However, it won't be a full brigade. We will have instead a special troops battalion and support battalion. Each battallion will have its own Colonel and they will report to me. For those who don't know about military structure, the special troops battalion includes the MPs, a support platoon, a CBRN Reconnaissance Platoon, a Military Intelligence Company, Network Signal Company and Combat Engineer Company. While the support battallion includes a Distribution Company, Maintenance Company, Medical Company, two Infantry Platoons, one Cavarly RSTA and Fires Platoon, al Forward Support Companies. The MPs will run security through the base. Medical will still run the hospital. We will need the forward support company and the CBRN platoon to help out with the cleaning up at the WTC. However, that means that we have four platoons with capabilities of taking us out." He didn't want anyone to forget that little part.
"This move will mean that our lives will change radically. As some of you know, ICIS is a federal agency and as such we must work within an established framework of rules and titles. You will have official positions that might not reflect your real job. It also means that suddenly we have military answering to us and we need to deal with that." He turned to the two people who helped the most in the office. "Ms. Jones, Mr. Kinney, you will have planty of work, but they aren't going to be the only ones. Mr. Callen, Mr. Morgan, the President wants a more regulated agency, which means titles, dress codes. On the other hand, I have obtained some leeway on how to deal with arrivals. Not everyone will have to be a field agent, however that's something to be used very rarely and for good reason: disability, age. Again the fact that everyone will have to qualify doesn't mean that we need everyone in the field.
"For those you were here before, you will have backpay into your account. That's close to $90,000 for the year, minus all deductions. We'll need someone to make taxes, file it retroactively. Once we figure out what's left, I'd ask 10% from each of you to give to the new people. Also, you will need to decide what to do about marriage status. We'll need to create marriage licenses and birth certificates for the children for taxation purposes." He stopped for a moment, giving them time to assimilate everything. "These perks come with lots of strings attached, like the fact that we can never be safe. It's only an apparent safety that we have, and everyone should remember that. The reason I'm saying all of this is because while I told the President that ICIS will return, I am gving you the option to leave. Now, remember that our primary mission is to find every dimensional traveler. If you don't join us, you will have to stay off the grid. We'll provide new documents and even some money, but after that, you are on your own. If you pop up in any records, we will have to find you and bring you in for your own safety. If you chose to go, you can also find us at the base at a later time. The cover story will be very simple. While on the run, people were given the option of going off on their own. You heard ICIS was back, you returned. However, this is a one time deal. If you choose to stay, that's it. If you choose to go, you do it now. If you choose to come back, it's a one time thing. Unfortunately you don't have time to think, we need to close down this facility and try to be at the base by the end of the week, which gives us only a few days. I need to know now so that arrangements can be made. Also after we're done with this, I need to see all four leads. Training is done for the rest of the week. Ladies and gentlemen start pack things up, decide what you want to bring with you and what you'd like to have stored in case we have to run again.
"So does anyone want to leave?"