not so ancient.

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not so ancient.


November 1st, 2009

who's getting scared now, tell me how does it feel;

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[backdated to last night]

“Goran?” Nikki knocked hesitantly on the door to her brother's bedroom. He hadn't come out since last night, and then only briefly—he had needed water, and more aspirin for his head. The ER must have bandaged him wrong, he said; his arm was itching non-stop, he felt dizzy and nauseous. Maybe the person who'd bit him was sick or something. She knocked again. “Goran? How are you feeling? We're—you haven't been out in a while, and we're worried.”

No reply.

Nikki leaned against the doorpane and crossed her arms. She could hear Maggie flipping through an astronomy book in the other room and made her voice sharp. Half his size she may have been, but Goran knew better than to attempt to provoke his sister when she was cross. “Come on, this is ridiculous. You didn't mope around this much when you had pneumonia. Come out, let's have a look at that bite.”

There was a groan on the other side of the door. )
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