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Hohoho, come sit on my lap. [01 Jul 2008|02:51am]
Someone not Bonnie for Zach to start an affair with b/c June isn't servicing him at all these days.
3 Threadown tears.

[01 Jul 2008|06:55pm]
So my characters are in serious need of plot.

I've got Sammy - he's supposed to be Heracles. He's strong, on the baseball and football teams, can heal and has super strength, but is also a really big nerd on the math team and playing oboe and clarinet in the band. He needs a Megara, since the first Megara (Maggie) was swept! He also needs some plot, please help him out!

Next, I've got Lou, aka Eris. She's the one who runs gossip goddess, but no one knows that. She loves to stir up trouble just for the heck of it, but she yearns to be popular, well-liked, and cool. She's into pop culture, art, and writing. I think she and Lennon are going to be friends, but beyond that, she's got nothing. She may start using the gossip journal to spread false rumors about herself to gain popularity. Anyone want to plot with her?

Last, I've got Dennis. He's only a temporary character, but he could use a friend besides Sarah. Dennis is going to be a senior, and wants to go to NYU for drama, but he's a big comedian and a goofball who can also do magic tricks. He's really fun and everyone loves him, so he needs some friends and some plotting!

Ariella could also use some plot, but i'm working on a couple of things with her right now.
1 Threadown tears.

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