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Olympia Heights OOC

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[03 Aug 2008|12:58am]

Sadly, OH has been winding down for quite some time. Now that only a few players are active, some have quit and told other players but not mods (leaving a lot of paradox or the near impossible task of getting someone to pick up a preexisting original character) and our newest pair have gone in left in record time, we've decided to put old yeller to sleep.

This is by far one of my favourite games I have run and I'm glad you all took my idea and ran with it. My apologies to those who still had plot. Missy, River, I know you barely got to play. This game is just becoming more stress than its worth right now and OH is finding new forms in my mind.

I wish you all the best of luck. Check out one of my still extant games.

[info]capeless_rpg and [info]chariots and [info]britishlit
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[02 Aug 2008|10:45pm]
I am so so so so so (x 31) sorry I haven't been around! I feel terrible about having zero time to reply to threads...

Unfortunately, it's not over yet - this is finals week. But this is just a quick note to tell you that it'll be all over on Thursday, and I will be back!

Thanks for your patience with my crazy month. :)

[01 Aug 2008|12:31am]

Hi everyone, I'm River, and this is Carly/Andromeda.There's lots of info on her application in her journal, but basically, She's a snob. She's pretty much way into her looks, and thinks everyone should worship her. That's what happened at her old school, but ever since she moved a year ago, no one really seems to notice her, either that or they just don't like her. This is totally unacceptable in Carly's world. But she does have a good side too, she's pretty smart, and very talented when it comes to electronics. She plans on offering her services as the lighting designed for the play, she's not normally one to highlight her dorky talents, but desperate times call for desperate measures.She figures being involved in the play might make her a bit more popular.

As for plots, she needs a few friends, and she'll no doubt make some enemies. She has a particular hatred for cheerleaders because at her old school there was a huge cheerleader/dance squad rivalry and she was head of her old school's dance squad so I don't think the cheerleaders would get along with her. If anyone's up for plots you can comment here or just IM me at artistodionysus


[28 Jul 2008|12:21am]

Proper spelling and grammar is a given in a text based RPG and we've been noticing some repeat slippage. Please reread your comments for TENSE CHANGES. A few people are switching to present tense. Even in describing what your character likes and doesn't like it should be PAST TENSE. Don't get caught up in your own quirk and forget it either.

And please try to leave out phrases such as "his player" and things like that. You can be quirky without talking about yourself OOC in IC threads.
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[27 Jul 2008|02:32pm]

shameless promoting )

[22 Jul 2008|09:45pm]

Hi everyone! I'm Missy, and this is Meg. ^^ She's a snob, but she's got a warm heart underneath. You can check out her backstory and stuff in her userinfo...? My aim is jeanxskirt if you wanna chat/plot/play. :)

I can't wait to play with everyone!
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[22 Jul 2008|03:47am]

Hey everyone! Brooke here, with a new character (well, bringing her back, but with a new player), Dr. Julianna Vernon, aka Hebe, with the awesome PB of TINA FEY.

Her full information is on her userinfo, but to summarize, Julianne is the school psychiatrist (she went to med school, therefore she's a psychiatrist and can legally write prescriptions for medication). She moved down to Florida after her mother moved into a retirement community and wanted her child(ren) to look after her. Since she was divorced and the only one of her siblings without a significant other (well, she had been married, but her husband cheated on her... with another man. so needless to say, they're divorced) or children, Julianne got roped into relocating from NY to Florida.

I'm keeping up with the plot that Julianne went on a few dates with Livingstone, and if your character has been seeing her for any reason, let's keep with that.

Julianne's a sweetheart, and is very caring, willing to listen to anyone's problems. She's not too old, and she's down with he times, so she's willing to be the confidante of any student who needs someone to vent to.

She can also become young, so you may see her sixteen year old alter ego, Anna, walking around. But we'll save that for when it's necessary for a plot.

So, who wants to plot with Julianne? Any takers? I figured we could use more adult supervision here in OH.
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[18 Jul 2008|03:46am]

See y'all Monday night. Don't explode!


Sad to say I'm on my way... [15 Jul 2008|06:08pm]

Hi everybody,

It's with a lot of sadness that I'm going to have to announce I'm leaving the game.

I've had so much fun here, and you have all been wonderful to me. I'm just at a place in my life right now that I can't get online for more than a couple of hours a week, and it's just not fair to anyone to hang on to my pups. They're likely to get swept anyway!

I know I had some plots planned with people, and I'm sorry to leave you all hanging like this, but I guess RL has just finally caught up to me.

I've e-mailed Amy and Alissa the passwords for Luke and Maggie's journals if anyone wants to adopt them. And if any of you ever want to say hi, my non-RP AIM is omg its pix -- though I can't guarantee I'll be online much.

I wish everyone the very best in life, and maybe I'll see you again somewhere down the road. Thanks for everything.


Introduction. [14 Jul 2008|02:58am]
[ mood | good ]

Hello, lovelies. My name's Lauren and I'm new to this RPG.

I'd like to introduce you to Harmony Tanis/Harmonia, Goddess of Harmony and Concord. At first glance, she just seems to be a hippie chick with a thing for serpents, however there's a little more to her than that. Without a stable family life, simply a wanton mother named Phoebe and a father she has no real contact with; Harmony idealizes love, marriage, and the nuclear family of 1950's sitcoms.

She's gifted in music (chorus) and charming/taming most animals, people included. Though Harmony's one of the least likely person at OH to start drama, her need for (all forms of) companionship can get her in trouble. After all, Harmonia is the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite -- How good could she really be?

So, I'd adore any help you guys have to offer.
If you want to contact me, my AIM name is Retro Slang.

Thanks. <3

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An Introduction [13 Jul 2008|08:32pm]

Hey guys I just wanted to introduce myself, my real name is Mykl (pronounced Michael) and I am new to RP stuff, so bear with me. I am 29, live in the D/FW area of Texas, and would love to get to know you all.

The character I'm playing as is Jake Hunter, also known as Pan. Perhaps you've heard of him. He's conceited, sex-crazed, and a bit of a booze-hound... but you adore him anyway. Hes also great at wind instruments.
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[09 Jul 2008|05:19pm]

Dennis is going to be directing his own summer production of Grease this summer so he has something to send as supplement his application to Tisch at NYU.

If your character(s) want to be involved in the production, let me know - I'll post a cast list later in the week. Just have the character reply to the post in Dennis' journal.

[08 Jul 2008|05:31pm]

Yo. I got bored with the layout and changed it back to the old one that we had at GJ. Which one does everyone like better? I'll change it back if everyone likes the other one better still.

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[08 Jul 2008|12:38am]

RUN IT or else :)
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[05 Jul 2008|04:46pm]

RL decided to get stupid busy, but I will be back online tomorrow! I'll probably be on as pietro770mph, not godofmetallurgy. Sometime after 6 PST.


[03 Jul 2008|09:53pm]

Just a heads up:

I'm on vacation, and my family thinks I have an internet addiction... Heh heh... So, I'm probably not getting as much time as usual for the next week, but I'll see what I can do. I'm good at that, right?

I'll tag where you need me. 'Cept not right now. I jsut got here. Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired.

So... Happy 4th, and good night!

[02 Jul 2008|01:28pm]

Lovely. Lovely.

So, I figured I'd post a little thing telling y'all about my suckass week. I've been having a tough time at work, mostly because I keep getting scheduled at 5, instead of 4:30, so I'm the first to get cut when there's no customers. This has put me under MUCH stress, seeing as I'm poor as a mofo and can't even afford food sometimes. So that was the reason why I was around ALOT in the beginning of the week. The restaurant has picked up a bit, and therefore I'm working full shifts, and then walking 5 miles home from there so I can get exercise. So I'm kind of tired when I get home and sitting in front of a comp screen makes me more tired.

In the next few days, I'm going to have people over, so my rp will be limited. I will TRY to get shit done before they come (i.e. tonight and tomorrow morning) but I can't make promises of finished threads. At the very least, I can promise that I'll tag all of you who are waiting for me. I know I suck at life right now. I apologize.

I had chlorine poisoning yesterday from stupid fucking work. They bleached the floors in the kitchen and then left PUDDLES of it just hanging out. I'm severly allergic to chlorine, to the point where I can't wash my clothes in bleach, or swim in swimming pools. So, I went to bed at like 8 last night and woke up at 10 with a swollen, numb throat, trouble breathing, the sensation to vomit, and dizzy unfocused eyes. You get the point.

I'm still recovering and staring at a comp makes me dizzy too. So I'm going to only try to focus on the chars that I think need developing. That means mostly Cait and Evan at the moment. I apologize for everyone who has plot with Cora and June. But they're pretty set in what they're doing right now. I haven't played Evan in a while and he needs attention. And I have to do the Cait/Scott/David death scene pronto.

I'll be back Sat night though, most definitely, in full swing.

[01 Jul 2008|06:55pm]

So my characters are in serious need of plot.

I've got Sammy - he's supposed to be Heracles. He's strong, on the baseball and football teams, can heal and has super strength, but is also a really big nerd on the math team and playing oboe and clarinet in the band. He needs a Megara, since the first Megara (Maggie) was swept! He also needs some plot, please help him out!

Next, I've got Lou, aka Eris. She's the one who runs gossip goddess, but no one knows that. She loves to stir up trouble just for the heck of it, but she yearns to be popular, well-liked, and cool. She's into pop culture, art, and writing. I think she and Lennon are going to be friends, but beyond that, she's got nothing. She may start using the gossip journal to spread false rumors about herself to gain popularity. Anyone want to plot with her?

Last, I've got Dennis. He's only a temporary character, but he could use a friend besides Sarah. Dennis is going to be a senior, and wants to go to NYU for drama, but he's a big comedian and a goofball who can also do magic tricks. He's really fun and everyone loves him, so he needs some friends and some plotting!

Ariella could also use some plot, but i'm working on a couple of things with her right now.
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Hohoho, come sit on my lap. [01 Jul 2008|02:51am]

Someone not Bonnie for Zach to start an affair with b/c June isn't servicing him at all these days.
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[30 Jun 2008|01:23am]

I've decided to use nicknames for characters instead of initials, since it makes it more fun that way, and slightly less obvious. Below is the list of nicknames I'll be usings for the characters for your own reference (the characters don't know who corresponds to whom but she'll make it somewhat obvious without being too blunt).

Zach - Sparky
June – Ice Queen
Bonnie – Bicycle
Frank – Hulk
Abigail – Virgin Mary
Sarah – Barfy
Nick – Flipper
Dennis – Houdini
Scott – Lifetime Movie
Eden – Kitty Cat
Paul – Golden Boy
Diana – Golden Girl
Lucas – Phantom (of the Opera)
David – Merlot
Evan – Speedy Gonzalez
Darcy – Voldemort
Ariella - Little Mermaid
Noelle – Judge Judy
Cait – Punching Bag
Cora – Little Red Riding Hood
Sammy – Clark Kent
Lou – Miss Jimmy Olsen
Lennon – Pretty Boy
Maggie – Coco Chanel
Liam – House
Dr. Livingstone – Dr. McSteamy

Let me know if I've forgotten any character and I'll get on that ASAP.
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