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British Literature RP

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[03 Jun 2009|07:28pm]

Who: Guy and Marian
What: I unno.
Where: Guy's room
When: Wednesday late afternoon
Rating: PG-13

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain, I like watching the puddles gather rain )
26 Comments+Read

[04 Dec 2008|12:27pm]

Who: Simon and Jamie
What: Love
Where: Simon's room
When: Thursday after classes
Rating: R, probably

I can't think of anything cool to put here, damnit. )
133 Comments+Read

[14 Nov 2008|07:58pm]

[ mood | melancholy ]

WHO: Beth and Rene
WHAT: Beth talks to another person, gasp!
WHEN: Friday, after classes
WHERE: On campus somewhere

Beth had just dashed down to the corner phone booth, phone card in hand. After all, no sense in having a cell phone when she wasn't planning in being in England that long. Of course she tried to call everyone at least once a week... Jo had been getting calls almost daily at college. But Beth couldn't help it. She was very homesick. And it wasn't getting better as time passed. Possibly because she hadn't actually been going out of her way to meet people... Just the one American.

With an almost tearful, "Goodbye," and a soft sigh, she let herself out of the booth and started trudging back to her room. She supposes there's some homework or something she can do. Perhaps she can bury herself in work and forget about how sad she was.

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[11 Nov 2008|09:32pm]

WHO: Marian and Robin
WHAT: Robin tried to pick a fight with Guy
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: Robin's room

Marian had not been pleased to hear that Robin had tried to pick a fight with Guy. After all, it's not like she'd been doing this dating thing behind his back. He had full knowledge. Full knowledge! And if he was angry with someone, it really should be her. She's the one who wanted to start dating Guy. See which one she preferred. And if he wanted to have a fight with someone, it should be her. So, Tuesday evening, leaving Margo on duty, she'd made her way over to the boy's dorms. Robiiiiin!
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[11 Nov 2008|09:26am]

WHO: Percy and Margo
WHAT: He has something for her
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Outside her room

Percy loved Tuesdays. Normally, with no classes, that was the day he slept in. But this Tuesday he was on a mission. Bundle behind his back, he'd snuck into the girls dorm. Alright technically he didn't have to sneak. Technically boys were allowed in before ten pm (or whatever the curfew was...Percy hadn't really paid attention to that). And technically he was an R.A. and thus didn't need to worry about being caught. But it's more exciting if he views this as life or death.

Making his way to the second floor, he paused in front of Margo's door, bending down to lay something in front of her door. Time to beat a hasty retreat.
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[10 Nov 2008|10:58pm]

WHO: Beth and Quinn
WHAT: A chat between Americans
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: school grounds

Beth was miserable. The trip to jolly olde England had been her mother's and father's idea...not hers. She hated being so far from home, especially ini a country which, though ostensibly it spoke the same language, really did not. And she hated speaking even more than normal here. She felt like her American accent sounded harsh and stupid next to British ones. Consequently she hadn't done much in the way of making friends. That's alright, though. She wouldn't be here that much longer. Just a few months.

Shifting on the bench, she pressed knees to her chest. A few more months. She can do that. Though really, she thought Jo would enjoy this trip much more than she was. British literature and all that. Oh well.
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[04 Nov 2008|10:14pm]

Robin had seen very little of Marian lately, and he was starting to get annoyed. They had already decided she was would be his girlfriend when suddnely, she wanted to date Guy. WTF? So, while she was now dating them both, Robin was doing his best to sweep her off his feet but she seemed to always run off at the worst time.

He was off to the kitchen to drown his sorrows in...well, a soda, since alcohol wasn't allowed on campus. Women. They were so damn confusing.
17 Comments+Read

[04 Nov 2008|02:06am]

Who: Marian and Guy
What: Puppies!
Where: Guy's room
When: backdated to Halloween

Nothing like the birth of new life to bring people together. )
57 Comments+Read

[03 Nov 2008|08:10am]

Who: Jamie and Simon
What: Jamie is being sexy
Where: Simon's room
When: Backdated to Friday night
Rating: R

I want to be the friction in your jeans )
135 Comments+Read

[22 Oct 2008|05:54pm]

WHO: Guy and Marian
WHAT: A date
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Who knows
RATING: We'll see...

Marian was actually very much looking forward to this date with Guy tonight. She couldn't help it. She'd known him for years and had had a crush on him all through high school and he was finally asking her out...even if she already had a boyfriend. But for the moment, Robin was pushed out of her mind as she did a final inspection in the mirror.

Makeup...good. Hair..surprisingly not frizzy. Outfit...hopefully not too dressy. Oh crap, it was too dressy. She shouldn't wear this skirt. There's something else in her closet she can wear. Something more...casual. Never mind that she'd already discarded that outfit for being too casual, now Marian was certain that she was too dressed up. After all, she didn't even know where Guy was taking her. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately enough, there was a knock on the door before she even made it to the closet. Well looks like she's stuck in this outfit now. With a final deep breath, she moved towards the door, opening it with a soft smile.

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[14 Oct 2008|05:29pm]

Who: Guy and Marian
What: talking about the possibility of a relationship
Where: Student lounge?
When: Tuesday

I will buy you a garden )
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[06 Oct 2008|05:03pm]

WHO: Margo and Marian
WHAT: Chick flick movie night/boy woes
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday night
WHERE: Marian's room

Sleep with them both and pick whoever is better in bed... Such a slag... )

[02 Oct 2008|08:40am]

Who: Thomas and Tristram
What: Making up for being annoying?
Where: Thomas' room
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: TBA

Bigger than a tree of figs )
8 Comments+Read

[01 Oct 2008|10:09pm]

WHO: Margo and Percy
WHAT: Talking in the kitchen
WHERE: The Kitchen

A little midnight snack )

[28 Sep 2008|11:22am]

Who: Marian and Robin
Where: The lounge
What: Robin comes across her making her Pro/Cons List
When: Some time after Guy leaves

Robin had finished up his homework, and went to go find Marian. He wanted to spend some time with the girlfriend. Maybe they could go grab a bite to eat and just hang out and talk. Or, stay in and do some making out...what? Not finding her in her room he headed downstairs and found her in the lounge.

He crept up behind her, and leaned over the back of the couch to whisper in her ear. "Hello beautiful," he said, his voice deep and husky.
21 Comments+Read

[27 Sep 2008|05:53pm]

WHO: Guy and Marian
WHAT: It's been a week since the big revelation. He might want an answer
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: The dorms

Marian had been ruminating on this new problem in her life all week, without much success. Guy's confession had brought up all sorts of unexplored feelings. She'd be lying if she said that she'd never thought he was handsome or mused on how sweet he was. And she had known him for years. She'd known Robin for a few weeks, as nice as he was. Each of them had their own pros and cons.

Sighing, she curled up on one of the couches in the first floor lounge with a notebook and a pen. Time to make a list.
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[26 Sep 2008|09:25pm]

WHO: Belén and Stephen
WHAT: Portraiture, Random Passing Time, and hopefully some candy
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Outside in courtyard

After hearing from a number of his friends and one of his favorite professors, Stephen had decided to actually drag himself out of his room and in the great outdoors. The outdoors being. . .the courtyard, but hey, it was an A for effort, right? Or, at least he hoped it was. He wouldn't have liked feeling accomplished for no reason - rather embarrassing.

What was more embarrassing was the odd, inquisitive look on his face as she stared up at the classroom buildings, tilting his head to the side now and then, trying to think of a good angle. Artists had to paint all kinds of things, from buildings to portraits. Sure, he'd been painting the same building for the past few months, but that's what Monet had done, right?

All this self assurance! Maybe the withdrawn bloke was making some strides with himself!

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Partner Postings [25 Sep 2008|08:17pm]

A roster is posted in the common area of the Hall earlier in the evening that reads as follows:

The following pairings have been decided for fencing club:

Team Captain: Rene Ackart
2nd Captain: Guy Richards


Rene Ackart - Eleanor Barbary
Guy Richards - Marian Walters
Robin Locksley - Alice Hart (should she still choose to join)

Anyone else eager to join this class should report to Professor Nott at their earliest convienence so they can be paired up and assessed.

Each of you have been paired with a less experienced student. I expect you to help them along and do your best to improve their posture and performance.

Formal meetings with equipment and training will be commencing next week. Wednesday nights @ 8 PM Sharp. Do not be late.

[24 Sep 2008|03:32pm]

WHO: Belén and Manny
WHAT: They haven't chatted in awhile
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Outside the dorms

Alright, as much as Belén disliked the cold weather, she did have to admit that the trees were beautiful when they changed colors. So she can, perhaps, be forgiven the jacket and the scarf because...hey, she's outside, yeah? Taking a seat on a bench, knees curled up to her chest, she dug into her pocket, bringing out her newest delight. Candy corn. It's seasonal, okay?
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[22 Sep 2008|08:28pm]

Who: Marian and Guy
What: Guy is going to spill his guts
Where: Marian's room
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: Epic cuteness? Maybe?

And I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand )
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