August 2011

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July 1st, 2011

[info]divinelywild in [info]olympians_ooc

The awkward intro moment!

Hello, I am Elyse and this is Dionysus. I have been trying to avoid taking on this character for a week or more now but here I am, which probably says something about how awesome a character in mythology I think Dionysus is.

I have kept all of his major myths in place regarding his birth of the body of Zeus after the death of his mother, his crafty revenge on people that wronged him with the insanity, The Bacchae (because who doesn't like making mothers kill their sons?!), and basically giving wine, theatre, and partying to the free world.

He owns theatres, builds them up, and then sells them for profits, which is exactly what he's doing in town right now. His shows are always getting rave reviews with a little help from his powers which get a little help from all the applause he gets. Inside the theatre is a fully functioning wine bar and lounge. He is a social butterfly, a partier, and a very flirty and sexual being, but also easily offended, holds grudges, and does something about them when he does.

I am open to all sorts of lines with him and rarely turn down a scene, I also get a kick out of playing past scenes so if it adds to the plot and our chars might have interacted before I'm all for throwing in scenes from other time periods. I am very reachable by email at and on aim when I am not being a admitted workaholic at SensationalStory.