August 2011

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June 20th, 2011

[info]bryte in [info]olympians_ooc

Plot line, anyone?

Hi! So I figured I'd open this up to people in the game before I went hunting elsewhere.

Meet Bryte, he's the head of the New Crusaders and is bound and determined to kill all other gods. He's got good reason for it, at least! His father, who founded the church, was killed the night he proclaimed no one should even speak the names of any god other than the One True. He then had a dream (and for now I'm leaving that open as to if it was a message from another god, a warning/taunt from the god who killed his father, or just random crazy luck) where he saw his father killed by a god.

So, that leads me to the big question: Anyone want to pick up the part of the god who killed the founder of the New Crusaders?

Also a little background, the church was pretty big before Bryte took it over. It completely disregarded the Old Testament (that God is just too bloody and judgmental and eew) and draws upon several other religions, and even some classical and fictional writing. It was all peace and love until Sean was killed, when Bryte took over the church for his father things changed.

If you're interested give me a shout, I'd love to plot.