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Olympia Heights

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[25 Jul 2008|02:16am]
Who: Ariella and Zach
What: Swimming and snogging
Where: Ariella's house/backyard (top of the hill in the gated community)
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: R? NC-17? To be determined.

Ariella spent the morning doing laps in the Olympic-sized swimming pool in her backyard. She skimmed the leaves out of the pool and the attached hot tub (and turned the heater on in the hot tub, expecting that they would make use of it later), and began setting up for her afternoon. After making sandwiches and making sure that the fridge by the bar was fully stocked with alcohol, she went up to her bedroom to find her bathrobe. Ariella had decided she'd be giving Zach a little show this afternoon (they'd been dating for about three weeks, and though they had fooled around a fair bit, they hadn't actually slept together yet).
60 Threadown tears.

[25 Jul 2008|03:23pm]
To: Ariella.M.Seymour@ohsh.edu
From: Megan.G.Brown@ohsh.edu
Date: 25-07-2008, 15:23
Subject: HELP.

You have 1 Unread Message. )
2 Threadown tears.

Text Message to Sammy [25 Jul 2008|11:53pm]
Hi! Sorry it's so late--when do you want to practice dancing? -Meg
6 Threadown tears.

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