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Olympia Heights

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[24 Jul 2008|01:04am]
Who: Julianne and Jason
What: Dinner
Where: Julianne's house
When: Thursday night
Rating: TBD

Julianne had already done most of her grocery shopping for the week, but she went to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine to have with dinner and another to cook with. She made a chicken francese with a lemon/wine sauce over yellow rice, a mixed vegetable plate, and a nice salad. It was always more fun to cook when she was cooking for someone other than herself. She put on a nice, yet mildly conservative red dress, and put on her red glasses to match (she was blind without her glasses, and preferred frames over contacts, so she had several pair in various colors). As the food cooked, she poured herself a glass of wine, which she sipped while she waited for Jason to arrive.
120 Threadown tears.

[24 Jul 2008|04:12pm]
Who: Meg and Sammy
What: Talking. Stuff.
When: After Play Practice this afternoon
Where: Theatre... then...?
Rating: TBD

Meg couldn't stop thinking about the dream she'd had the night before about him... )
53 Threadown tears.

[ viewing | July 24th, 2008 ]
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