Old Ladies For Elijah
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Back April 19th, 2008 Forward
Birth of a Troll

Disclaimer again: This is a comedy site. I don't know who these people are I just borrowed the pics from all over the web. Deal with it!

Actually, if I accidentally took a photo of you tell me and I'll take it out of the post.

Now for the Story....

All right you kids! Sit down because I'm going to tell you a story you need to hear! Because nobody wants to end up like this girl did...being an IMDB Troll. The most annoying creature on earth! Now listen!

Now probably Troll Girl started out like any normal happy child. Like this kid.

We'll call her Trolly.

When did Trolly begin to lose it? She was an average enough teen once.

If just a little glassy-eyed.

Was it the day Uncle Dill began asking her to eat daisies with him?

Or when Great-Grandpa Sigmond took her for a stroll through the Old Neighborhood where he abandoned her?

Leaving her to struggle for nearly five years on her own subsisting on free packets of Chinese noodles?

Or was it the time at Military Camp when she developed the huge crush on Joey (Metalmouth) Snively the orthodontist's son...

Who only laughed at her and ran away with the Mysterious Tito DeJuan.

Of course the other girls all mocked her and said cruel things behind her back like "Trolly is so stupid to fall for Metalmouth Snively when everyone knows he has a thing for Tito."

Then they started mocking Trolly to her face .....

Because, let's face it Trolly was getting weird.

Somewhere in all her traumatic early years Trolly saw Elijah Wood..who we have already established is hot...and for some reason Trolly submerged her entire existence into a few obscure ideas about him which she spelled out online in strange pig-latin. Like...." He not actor from Pam." "He should not follow music." "His eyes get big." And so on.
Yes Trolly was losing it.

Trolly began to make up so many names to post her strange repetitive ideas that even she forgot who she really was. Finally one day she looked down into her cup of stagnant stale coffee and this is what she saw....

So if you don't want to end up like Trolly don't post stupid things on IMDB!

Edit: Hey all you other Old Antique Old Lady Elwood fans. You can post stuff here too you know. Get off your ancient duffs and do it! :p

Current Mood: indescribable indescribable
Back April 19th, 2008 Forward