Old Ladies For Elijah
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April 2008
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Back March 21st, 2008 Forward
Hello and Welcome!

If you read the info page you know what to do. Go sign up, Old Ladies!

Edit: OK I'll post what's on the info page here as well.

Elijah Wood Has a bunch of "Old Lady" Fans. We Are Them!

Once upon a time a young, at the time, actor named Elijah Wood was in a movie called Lord of The Rings. It was a big hit. And the result of this was that many ladies who were not teenagers thought he was very attractive. They also thought he was an intelligent and fine actor and human being. So they all glomped together online in fan communities.

But one day some youngsters or perhaps merely immature girls or people or trolls began to say that Elijah should not have old lady fans! Can you imagine! This was quite rude! We were already fans before some of these little whippersnappers were even born!

So being used to NOT taking any of the kids nonsense for many years in our real lives we decided we weren't going to take it in our fandom.

This is a place for bona fide Old Lady Fans or the Elderly in Spirit Fans to get together to post what WE want and have fun the way WE want to without those dad-blanged kids around!

If you want to join it might help if we know of you already as an Old Lady Elwood Fan. Again this is not an actual age requirement but if you aren't at heart an Old Lady Elwood Fan we will all know and you will not be allowed to come in. Deal with it!

How will we know? Because we are Old and Wise and We Have Eyes In the Backs Of Our Heads Like Your Mother Does!

Do we have rules?

Yeah be nice. Most of us old chicks understand that. The troll kids generally don't so they cannot come in and play with us.

Otherwise Have Fun! Post news about Elijah and yes, you can mention Pam or whoever you want but here we are allowed to have fun with it. Or we can just post stuff about ourselves that in some way relates to the general idea of this community. I'm not real picky. Nasty people only need fear my wrath and the delete button.

Now ladies have your say!

location: Desk
Current Mood: amused amused
Some Random Fun With The Old Ladies

Disclaimer:None of the names are real and I found the pics on Google picture search so I have no clue who they really are.

Here are Beatrice and Clara after their first viewing of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Beatrice- I quite liked that Frodo lad. Clara- Oh yes! He was so hot. I need a good cold glass of gin!

Mildred and Minerva though more staid have also agreed that they liked that little Elijah Wood. He is quite a good performer they both agree. Yes they also agree..He is hot!

Gwendolyn is reading her very first Fro-fanfic. Being quite refined she has had it bound into a fine leather binding. And if any kids bother her she can give them a good smack with the hefty volume!

These fans from the other side of the globe are celebrating Froday with unique Rings of their own!

Eleanor Rigby shares her enthusiasm for Elijah with her cat Sam.

All the Old Lady Fans were happy till they found out about the troll girl(s) who was attacking them on IMDB. Then they got mad. They began to protest.

Here Shirley has just read the last troll posting on her Iphone. Her sister and fellow Elijah fan Betty says "Let's get the little snot-noses!"

Back in another land distant relatives of Pamela, who do not appreciate Pam being besmirched by the troll(s) laugh as they contemplate what the results of the ancient curse they have just put on the troll(s) might result in.

Sassy Bernice plans a fan moot.

Zelda and Zoe are totally up for it!

To be continued...............

Current Mood: giddy giddy
Back March 21st, 2008 Forward