Old Winyards

April 10th, 2006

Old Winyards


April 10th, 2006


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Chapter: Nineteen
Pairing: Sam/Frodo; Merry/Pippin
Authors: Catherine and Thuri
Rating: M (Language)
Warnings: Angst; h/c; Humour
Summary: Future plans are made and Frodo and Sam have dinner with Merry and Pippin, where all does not go well. Frodo's illness comes closer to being diagnosed.

A/N: This and the next few chapters were written with Thuri. While she is not writing this series anymore, I am constitutionally incapable of not giving credit where it is due, so she gets an author's credit wherever she has had something to do with the writing.

'Yes, if you sat in its lap!' )
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