Saturday, January 2nd, 2016


Allright, folks, let's talk about a reboot. Here are the things that'll likely happen with it and changes I'll be making:


This was a lot, I am sorry. Questions! Comments! Concerns! And let's start deciding what characters we want, and figuring out the "Game History" based on who we're keeping. Don't feel obligated to keep any character for anybody else, this is a new start, clean slate. Do what feels best for you and makes you want to play.

Edit: Okay so thinking about the "origin" thing, I feel two things should be clarified.
First, although we're doing the 3:1 day thing, and time passes so we can do you know seasons and holidays, as far as character ages the actual aging thing doesn't need to happen unless it's relevant for your plot. Be "mid 20s" or "late 30s" or whatever forever.
Second, so when I say origins I mean more like adapting the origin story, but letting us all have a clean slate. Basically that your origin story has happened but other canon "stuff" you'd have to slog through in 616 to build a character history hasn't. If your origin requires that your character be particularly young, but you don't want them to be, we can easily develop work-arounds for that. You're totally allowed to retool and build your history by pulling from canon.

Edit 2: Basically ignore the origins thing, I realize it doesn't necessarily work for everybody well (which isn't to say you can't use it, but you don't have to). As long as we can work it in and write it down, it's fine. Open super-heroing as a concept can be newer in the world (newer as in five years to a decade versus like 50+ years of forever like in comics), which isn't to say that super-powered individuals haven't been around for awhile, doing their stuff quietly.
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Monday, December 7th, 2015

...The end?

Okay folks, serious talk. Are we finished? If we are, that's fine, we had a long run and it was fun. If we're not, that's fine too, I'm willing to keep trying if everyone else is. I just want to know definitively what everybody wants.

Again I'm willing to keep going, but everyone has to want it, too. We can make monumental changes, we could even do a full reboot, whatever everyone thinks would work. Or we can end with several years of good times and memories. If we do end the game proper, we could keep the What If for memes, AUs, or scenes/drabbles between characters and just be able to keep casually writing with each other. I would still love to write with everybody in whatever capacity you want to. Regardless of what we decide, it's been great and I love you all <3


-Overarching plot & structure/narrower scope/setting-wide plot to go alongside character-focused (trapped in NYC with wormholes spitting out monsters and leading to weird places/making weird stuff happen in NYC?)
-Non-real time (set up calendar to follow)
-No-Xmen, lol
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