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Oh Marvelous OOC

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New tag [08 Nov 2009|09:41pm]
Okay all, so I've created a new tag that is !closed for threads that you just don't think you'll ever finish for whatever reason (those characters leaving, etc). We've still got threads !incomplete from back in July so go back over incomplete threads and if you don't think you're going to finish it then change it from !incomplete to !closed or if you want to rewrite a post to wrap up old threads and mark them !complete you can do so. Because looking at several month old !incompletes makes me sad. And you guys don't want to sad me, do you? D:

ALSO: from now on, when tagging your character name, put character: in front of it. It will look nicer. I am about to embark on a mission to change all of the character tags to that. Wish my luck.

EDIT: There are now new tags for the net comm too, so check them out. Things like internet: tv: etc

[ viewing | November 8th, 2009 ]
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