Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Now Yesterday

Characters: All of the good people of New York City, present and future. That means you!
Setting: Downtown Manhattan, New Year's Eve
Content: Butt-whoopin'.
Summary: It's New Years Eve in the Big Apple! Of course something's going to go wrong.

starting with tonight )
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Tuesday, December 20th, 2011


Characters: Emma Frost; OTA
Setting: Tuesday, December 20th, 2011, around 1000; New York, NY; Shopping.
Content: Normal, everyday interaction.
Summary: Emma is personally going shopping for a few odds and ends. She likes to pick out certain gifts herself.

So it was retail therapy that made her feel more like herself again. )

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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

[White Queen; Iron Man]

Characters: Emma Frost; Tony Stark; OPEN to Justin Hammer (if you'd like) and anyone who could find themselves at a super-rich charity thing.
Setting: New York City, NY; Saturday, December 3rd, 2011; 9 p.m.
Content: Normal for now. Nothing bad... yet.
Summary: FROST International is hosting it's annual Christmas charity gala and Emma has done her best to make sure that certain people would be joining her for the evening. Hopefully.

If she had him, she had Hammer. )

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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

[ WHITE QUEEN ] The Game.

Characters: Emma Frost; HFC NPCs
Setting: The Hellfire Club Estate; New York, NY; Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 2 a.m.
Content: Language; Basic dastardly deeds.
Summary: Emma has returned to New York after concluding months of pleasure business in Europe and her Inner Circle co-conspirators have a new job for her.

What was the problem? You weren't sure if you wanted stupid or reckless in the game? )
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