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What heart of stone... [13 Feb 2011|07:42am]
Characters: Moira MacTaggert and Regan Wyngarde
Setting: Moira's Office
Content: Deception
Summary: Moira reviews Regan's file and activities at the school. After a conversation with Regan, she concludes that the girl is completely blameless and innocent, and a role-model for us all.

could suspect this child of guile? )

[13 Feb 2011|08:33pm]
characters: Paige Guthrie, Moira MacTaggert
setting: The Headmistress' office.
content: Just some chattin'.
summary: Paige has a meeting with the the new headmistress.

Just a bunch of fun stuff to treat her mind to while she traveled to the headmistress' office. )

[ viewing | February 13th, 2011 ]
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