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RETRIBUTION Event 06 [28 May 2010|05:56pm]
Characters: Boom Boom, Teddy, Billy, Nick, Remy
Setting: Mutant Town, NYC
Content: Disturbing stuff, probably
Summary: The Mutants in District X have gone crazy and are killing one another and sacrificing people and it's all around gross and frightening.
[Find a way in past mutant power barricades and actual barricades and guards and fires]
[Rescue the hostages! (I'm seeing a trend here, or a running joke, as you will)]
[Clear the area of living mutants]
Notes: Very Lord of the Flies, here. They've probably killed a fat kid with a rock. Anyway, it's like dealing with rioters but these ones are far more dangerous.

I remember when I lost my mind- There was something so pleasant about that phase. )

[ viewing | May 28th, 2010 ]
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