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Oh Marvelous

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I see the bad moon a-rising. [13 Jan 2010|02:26pm]
Characters: Nick
Setting: Nick's office, late morning, after this post.
Content: Nick Fury, cursing
Summary: Nick receives a disturbing video from space. Truly, this is just one of those days.

I see trouble on the way. )

The Nightmare Wasn't Over [13 Jan 2010|03:56pm]
Characters: Venom and Spider-man
Setting: The slums of New York City, after dark
Content: Fun, fighting, feuding, hurray!
Summary: Venom leaves a trail of dead criminals while Spider-man recognizes the clues that it is Venom and seeks to correct what he feels is his mistake.

'My, my, my,' said the spider to the...smaller spider. )

Once an Avenger.. [13 Jan 2010|05:36pm]
Characters: Captain America, Nick Fury, Hawkeye
Setting: Shield medbay
Content: Nick Fury
Summary: The surgery is a success, but now what to do about Hawkeye?

Always an Avenger. )

[ viewing | January 13th, 2010 ]
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