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Oh Marvelous

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Unconditional [16 Nov 2009|04:08am]
Characters: Superbros Steve and Tony, Pepper?
Setting: Tony's suite, New York City, shortly after this
Content: Wear angst-proof clothing, and a charming hat.
Summary: Cap isn't pleased with the direction S.H.I.E.L.D. is aiming Avengers. Tony is obviously not dealing with enough horrible things. Hopefully, there are hugs. THERE TOTALLY WEREN'T ANY.

unless it is Fucking Important, this number is not in service )

My child arrived just the other day. He came to the world in the usual way... [16 Nov 2009|07:01pm]
Characters: Gambit, Sinister, OT... sleazy types?/Ask to join ;)
Location: GoldFinger's Strip Clup, New York
Content/Summery: Father/Son bonding the old fashioned way: over women and booze.

...But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay. He learned to walk while I was away. )

The hero is exposed when his crimes are brought to the light of day... [16 Nov 2009|07:52pm]
Characters: Xavier, Rogue
Location: New York City
Content/Summery: Xavier attempts to reach out to Rogue. Possible language if it goes bad.

...won't be feeling sorry, sorry, sorry on the judgement day )

Good bye Captain [16 Nov 2009|09:58pm]
Characters: Captain America
Setting: S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ
Content: Sad, not bad.
Summary: Cap lays down his shield

As a man handles his troubles during the day, so he goes to bed at night a General, Captain, or Private )

[ viewing | November 16th, 2009 ]
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