Oh, Canada! - Emails - June 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Oh Canada! - Emails

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June 28th, 2010

[Jun. 28th, 2010|09:51 pm]
    To: All Team Members, Coaching staff
From:  Coach Jackson
Date:  Sept 28, 2008
Subj:  Future schedule (ongoing for now)

Going forward, this is the team daily schedule. Any complaints, let me know. I'll be happy to send you home so you can sleep late every day and not have to worry about working so hard.
  • 8am - Breakfast.  TEAM breakfast.  Together.
  • 930 - Practice (on ice)
  • Noon - Lunch. Again. TEAM lunch.
  • 1pm - Workouts / practice / team meetings. I'll decide which. You'll find out after practice.
  • 5pm - Team dinner.
  • 6pm - MANDATORY review of the day's activities.
  • 7pm - You're on your own at this point
  • 10pm - Curfew. All players must be in their dorm rooms.  Their OWN dorm rooms

That's right. You guys are going to eat, sleep, train together. As a team.  This will be the schedule going forward on M-F.  Saturdays for now we will be having split squad scrimmages in the morning, lunch and then a brief team meeting at which time you're free to do what you'd like for the weekend. 

We will not have any meetings or practices on Sundays for now.

I would also like to inform all of you that I will be taking the ice tomorrow and participating in some of the drills.  Since some players seem to think they can now hit their way onto the team, I'd like to welcome you to take a shot at me.

[basically this is so we're all on the same page as to where guys may/may not be any given time....what happens during these times? Go to town with it]
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