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Friday, March 14th, 2014

    Time Event

    "This wasn't a random shooting at a school, Clarke. This was the entire destruction of a city. Don't you think, if this kid had been registered, if he had gone to the proper facilities to control his super-human traits, his instability would've been recognized? These facilities would prevent this kind of catastrophe. The revised Super-Human Registration Act is good for everyone." -- Congressman Carter Richards, 2012
    When an eleven year old nearly destroyed the city of West Waverly, killing a few thousand people in the process, public opinion on super-humans took a drastic turn. They were dangerous. They were a threat. Some even said they had to be taken down.

    What would you do?

    Saving the Day(s) is an original RPG inspired by Marvel's Civil War storyline. It takes place in the fictional city of New Waverly, NJ, two years after the Decimation.

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