original character rpgs!
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Thursday, March 13th, 2014

    Time Event
    When Darkness Falls is an original character role-playing game set in the iconic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. On the outside most people see a party town, a place to visit for a good time and nothing more. But what about when you look deeper? Below the surface is a world within a world, that only few are privy to. Humans live side-by-side with those who may appear human, but are most definitely something more. When dusk hits the city comes to life, but not in ways that are expected. You never know who, or what, you might encounter when darkness falls.

    We are currently seeking active, plot driven writers to join our ranks. If you love to plot, thread, and communicate with others, we're looking for you!

    Premise - Game Timeline - Species Info - Game Rules - Character Directory - Places to Know - Wanted - Taken PB's - Holds - Application
    - Mod Contact

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