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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Airialan - Original and Mature High Fantasy
    Though it was opened several centuries ago to other cultures, the Elven city of Airialan has recently seen an influx in its foreign population. This rising number of outsiders is due to the troubles which currently assail the country side and nearby kingdoms surrounding the ancient city. Dragons seem to be the main issue in these events. Though they've always been known to be fierce and dangerous, their attacks are growing more frequent and more deadly as of late. Some say that these creatures, believed to be little more than beasts by most, are trying to cultivate a true war with the other species which share their lands. Others say that it may mark the end of an era, or even the end of the known world. Regardless of the intent, two things are clear - the Dragons have no interest in prisoners, nor do they wish for peace.

    Unknown to most, there is an allegiance brewing between the 'winged beasts' and a species largely thought to be myth. The Dream Wraiths have always lived in hiding, masquerading as members of other races while feeding from their numbers. Having long ago been exiled due to their natures, these two species have come together to exact revenge on those they feel have wronged them. Those whispers of coming war? They are right. As this villainous pairing of cultures expand their plans, they have taken to including others who have been ousted from the accepted graces of the various societies. A number of human mages, those ostracized for 'dark arts', have been taken in to the fold of these fellow black sheep. Slowly, the seeds of vengeance are coming to fruition...

    What will the dark days ahead bring for those who have found haven in the Elven city?

    Airialan is an original high fantasy roleplay game which largely takes place in the confines of the Elven city of the same name. Though game play will include the coming war, there will also be strong emphasis on the daily lives of the residents and refugees in the city. This game will hold mature themes, so we ask that all writers be at least 18 years of age upon seeking membership. We are hoping for a thriving community filled with talented writers and unique, wonderful characters to interact with. What will Airialan hold for your creations?

    Game opens on Feb 1st


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