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Monday, August 19th, 2013

    Time Event
    The Dome
    Every survivor has a story if you ask; a tale of hardship that happened when the world changed. When the dead came back. Catch a crowd here in dome 4, Delphi to the locals, and you can find every story imaginable. The pack of kids who stuck together to raise each other, the brothers who never stopped moving, the soldier on a mission with no end, the coroner stuck caring for the living... everyone here has seen something, and the sum of it all is that each of us had seen enough.

    Maybe that was the inspiration for the domes, the idea that a thousand survivor’s stories could become one; a unified narrative that echoed the one we’d lost, that said clearly that we weren’t going any-fucking-where even if the whole world we’d known already had.

    Sure is the case now. We couldn’t leave if our lives depended on it. And it’s starting to look like they do.

    The doors to Delphi sealed tight over a week ago, and the lot of us inside? All we can do is wait for them to open and try to survive the changes happening all around us. Strange attacks, unexplained deaths, and all the paranoia they bring to the people who survive them? They make things like starving to death seem downright boring. Every night’s a gamble now, because there’s things in the dark that outrank us on the food chain.

    The best we can do is make them earn the meal, and maybe leave a story with whoever lasts the longest...

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