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Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

    Time Event
    You are an Earth Elemental, born from a long line of elementals before you. Your ancestor was one of the very first--sculpted from the very dirt underneath your feet by your leader Eairt himself.

    Thousands and thousands of years have passed since the Titans fell into their slumber, and many have forgotten their existence. But your family stayed faithful to your leader, and you have noticed the signs of the planet shaking. Signs that Eairt is starting to wake. But the other Titans will be waking as well--and you are surrounded by enemies of the other tribes.

    When the fighting starts again--will you preserve the memory of your Titan faithfully?

    A new era is approaching.

    Never Eternal is a modern fantasy OC RP with a friendly group and is always excited to get new players!

    Now re-opened!

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