Original Character Role Playing - November 18th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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November 18th, 2012

[Nov. 18th, 2012|12:17 pm]





A Dystopian RPG

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The year is 2032 and everyone knows that humans have always been fickle, that society has always wanted the perfect child. Now that, that has been achieved, no one could have guess the horrendous consequences that have befallen the human race. Parents are watching their children die before they turn thirty; they are watching those genetically perfect children wither away into nothingness. Their sons don’t live passed the age of twenty-five, and their daughters die even earlier. Now, with the human population in a decline, a marriage lottery has been set in place to encourage the human race to hold on just a tad bit longer. Women are being taken from their homes in the middle of the night, and forced into loveless marriages. Funds have been frozen, rights have been stripped, and women are seen as nothing but breeding machines. Sometimes, humanity must be sacrificed for the survival of the race.

Welcome to Generations, where everything isn’t as picturesque as they seem.

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[Nov. 18th, 2012|07:06 pm]



Nestled between two rivers in the middle of Wisconsin is a sleepy town called Portage. With a population of about 10,000 the town harkens back to a simple life of living. It's your typical small town where everyone knows each other, gossip runs rampant, and you can leave your doors unlocked without worry. The citizens of this town are used to their way of life, but things have started to change, but they're still unsure if it's for the better or worse.

The small town setting happened to appeal to a Hollywood director and producer who decided Portage would make a great backdrop for his recent cop drama film, "Behind The Badge". The movie dealt with corruption from a big town department that seeped into a small town unit. It was highly acclaimed by critics and Portage flourished from the new business and tourism it was developing. The movie did for this small town what "Grumpy Old Men" did for a small town in Minnesota and soon people were beginning to stop by on their travels to see the backdrop for the movie.

A year and a half later the producer couldn't get the small town out of his head and when the idea of for a new small town tv show came up he couldn't help but offer up Portage as a backdrop. The tv show, "Perfection", is now filming it's third season and after even after a scandal filled second season, which threatened to have it cancelled. The plot of the show is a take on "Desperate Housewives" but with a Midwestern twist. The show focuses on the small town that takes pride in a perfect facade for it's town, but underneath it is a town full of corruption, deceit, and lies. It has been praised by critics thusfar.

The majority of the cast and crew stay in Portage while filming so the town is flourishing from the influx of activity, but the townsfolk are beginning to question if the show is hitting closer to home than they had thought before.

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