Original Character Role Playing - October 13th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 13th, 2012

[Oct. 13th, 2012|06:08 pm]




MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC

Keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change.

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For the first time in the history of the United States of America, the president has a little more to bring to the table than the average man. Gregory Chambers made history when he became the first openly supernatural president to take office. With that groundbreaking moment, however, everything in the country is about to change. Will the supernatural people of the United States be less oppressed than they have been in the past? How will this one man change the world and will it be for better or for worse?

Everything is in transition.

The little town of Duskwood was just a normal every day town until the newly elected president put it on the map. Being the birthplace of Gregory Chambers, Duskwood has become a melting pot of supernaturals and humans alike. Supernatural people have been flocking to the town that made history by being the birthplace of a man they believe will change the world. With the new influx of openly supernatural residents, will the town ever be the same?

Join us in transition and you can be the judge of that.

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The Immune: A Zombie Apocalypse RPG [Oct. 13th, 2012|06:38 pm]


In 2012, the first infected appeared in London. In 2013, it had completely taken Europe. By 2014, it spread to the United States.

By 2016, the entire world was deemed a lost cause. Cities that formerly housed hustling and bustling business, bright lights and constant activity are shells of their former selves. Electricity for the masses is a near-lost memory and now the only places that hold electricity are "safe havens" like shelters or churches. There are no more new cars or cushy apartments.

What little freedoms the infected didn't take away, the government destroyed. People deemed "immune," people who didn't turn when bitten, were forced into servitude. Those who had yet to be bitten had the option to help out as well. Immune, and non-immune helpers, were pushed to the brink of exhaustion by the power hungry government, who sat safely in their safe areas.

It's 2019 now, and finally, people started to get tired of the games. A small pocket of resistance, residing in New York City, formulated a plan and have created a true "safe haven" in Sing Sing Correctional Facility. No government, and a true safe haven behind walls that no infected can scale. After six years of oppression, a change has finally begun.

But can the safety last?
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