Original Character Role Playing - September 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 19th, 2009

Eidolon City: Something Different [Sep. 19th, 2009|06:40 pm]



Eidolon City

Game Info
Game Guide
Character Directory
Wanted Characters
Ready Made

Eidolon City is an original character game set in the noir world of a 1940s US City. A world of crooked cops and mob rule, reluctant heroes and femme fatales. To the residents of Eidolon City the daily drama that surrounds them is just part and parcel of their lives.

But there is more to the City than what it seems. Because what the residents of Eidolon City do not realise is that the City, in fact the whole world they live in, is not real. Eidolon City is an illusion, and they - or at least some of them - are dreaming. Maybe the dreamers are the lucky ones. Not everyone in Eidolon City is merely dreaming. - some of them are the invention of that dream. Some of the residents of Eidolon City are fantasies given breath. They are the manifestations of myths, of stories, of ideals, even if they don't know it. None in Eidolon City know the dream for what it is - and they also don't know that one day the illusion may fracture and the dreamers may start to wake up - and some of them may disappear forever.


Eidolon City is a new game that started this summer! We're looking for a wide range of characters to help fill the city. We're a friendly, free-form game with an emphasis on character interaction and relationships, though the game will also run regular, over-arcing plots to keep things interesting!

We are an original character game and we encourage in game connections with other characters. We have a list of character suggestions and wanted characters here.

Also, to help people who may find the application process daunting or may be unsure about creating an original character from scratch, some of our players have created 'skeleton characters' - these are unplayed, original characters created especially for the game and for other people to play. You can view the list of skeleton characters here, along with the short form application to go with these.

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